Black Kitten 🐈‍⬛

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"What the?" I wake up, look around. "Where am I? Ash? Simple?"

"You don't remember Kitten? ~"

"Huh?" I turn around, it's Black Cat. He looks different. "Black Cat? What happen to you? Why do you look so different?"

"Hehe, I'm no longer Black Cat ~ I'm Black Kitten ~"

"Umm okay... Why am I here again? The last thing I remember was drinking Ash's blood."

"Yes, drinking Ash's blood. Turning you more into a vampire now... You were never meant to be a full vampire. Only half," she disappears. "Half-human," I hear behind me. "Half-vampire ~" She's right in front of me. "You were the bridge, of day and night. Living, and dying. The dark and dark."

"That last one didn't make sense, dark and dark?"

"You're a vampire hunter, you live, breath the darkness. As much as the vampires do."

"So how long am I going to be here? I know it was a few weeks last time. This time I'm not dying, so it shouldn't be that long." She has a Cheshire smile, "what are you smiling for?"

"Well ~ You see Kitten, you that is." She disappears. "Are still partly alive," she rushes into my face disappears.

I wave the smoke? Doesn't smell like smoke, whatever. I wave whatever it is out of my face. "The part of me that still alive, has to dye?"

She appears, laying down in the air. Air? Space? It's in my head after all...

"Yes, to become a full vampire you need to die. Drinking Ash's blood, did the trick."

"That does make sense, I have Ash's blood already inside me. How's drinking it any different?"

She stretches out sits up, "you're a stupid girl."

"Hey, remember who's head you're in!"

She starts laughing, "you do realise who I am?" Black mist? Appears wraps around her, out walks... Me? But a darker version of me, with red eyes, fangs, cat ears and tail.

"You're me? You were Black Cat, apart of Ash."

"Black Cat was only temporary. I'm the top cat now. You, me, we are one person now. With Ash's blood, we can finally be one. Think about what we can do now. You ex-vampire hunter, me your inner vampire now together as one!" She starts laughing like a crazy woman.

Where's a spray bottle, I walk off to find one.

"Where are you going?!" She storms over.

"I'm looking for a spray bottle."

"What for?!"

"To spray you, you're going a little crazy."

"Excuse me! How dare y -"

I flick her nose, "bad kitty! Bad inner self kitty!"

She rubs her nose, "how dare you flick my - OW!"

I flick her ear, "keep going see where you get flicked next."

She changes back into a kitten. "I'll be good ~"

"Go, so what do we do now?" I look around the empty abyss.

"I was hoping we would plan our take over something."

"Take over what?"

"I don't know, I never got that far."

"You really are a sloth aren't you?"

"I'm a cat, it's expected."

"Mmm... We won't be taking over anything. At least as far as I know we won't be." I sit down, sigh.

"What's wrong Kitten? Do you miss your Ash?"

"Don't you? You are me."

"I don't actually get to talk to Ash, you do?"

"Okay, do you miss being Ash's inner-self?"

She changes back, sits in front of me. "In a way I do, I guess. But I am you, you are me now..."

"You sound ssso happy to be me."

She sighs, "it's not that I'm not happy. I wasn't even supposed to be here, to begin with." She draws on the ground.

"If you could would you go back?"

"It's too late for me to go back now. I'm too much like you, well now I am. I guess being a girl isn't too bad." She poses like a neko girl. "Now I get to be a cute neko girl ~"

We both start laughing, "Black Kitten you're not so bad. How about we get along? It'll make both our lives easier."

She stops and stares at me. "Really? You want to get along with me?"

"Haha, you are me, I am you."

"Oh, I'm soo happy!" She jumps and hugs me.

I pat her, "there, there Kitty."

She sits up, wipes her face. "So now that you accept me. What do we do?"

"I don't know I thought we would have fought longer."

"I thought so too..."

We both look around the place. "We could look for inner peace?"

"You know how many steps there are to find inner peace?"


"Nine! Focus on things you can control. Spend time in nature, we have done! I didn't like it! Be true to yourself, well we're halfway there. Mind what you eat?! Excuse me but I like my junk food! I'm not giving that up. Then exercise? Well, we do a 'form' of exercise, hehe. Do good deeds? We serve that brat of a child! We got a stuffy nose because of him. We've done our good deed for a lifetime! Be assertive, when are we not. I'm not meditating, fuck that."

"That's eight, about the ninth one?"

"I couldn't be bothered with it."

"Of course... So we're sticking with chaotic then?"

"Yes ~ It's more fun ~"

"Oh okay..."

It goes quiet again. "Sleep?"

"Why not, there's nothing else to do at the moment." She changes jumps in my lap. "Really?"

"What? ~"

"You get a comfy pillow, I get particular nothing to lay on."

"I'll be your pillow next time."

"You better," I lay back. Close my eyes, there's nothing else to do till the living side dies. If I'm asleep it shouldn't hurt. That's how it works, right?

"Stop thinking! Go to sleep, you keep moving!!"

"Fine, I'll go to sleep."

"Good ~ Ni night ~"

"Ni night." I try to put my mind to rest. Maybe when I wake up, I'll be with Ash again. I hope.

Vampire Hunter - Sleepy Ash/Kuro x Reader (Servamp)Where stories live. Discover now