Christmas Eve 🍋

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Young Master invited Simple and Dark over for Christmas. Since it was just going to be the two of them. Surprisingly Blondie and Marksman turned up. Christmas Eve dinner went well, there was no fighting. I excepted either brothers to fight, any of the five too. Or Blondie and his Father to have an argument. I hope tomorrow goes just as good or better.

I sat on my bed, fixing up Dark's last present. I had a safe at the bottom of my backpack. It had all my keepsakes, I found a photo tucked away. It was a photo of Dark in his human and when I was little. I had recently taken a photo of us together. I got a frame side by side. But they can de-attach, he may not want to remember how old he is. I place the present on my desk, went to brush my hair.

- Third -

Kuro paced in the snow, he didn't know what to do. Well did know what to do, but he wasn't sure about it. He's urged to mate we're getting harder to resist. All through dinner he eyed you off from across the table. He didn't notice that Lily had come up behind him.

"Oh, Kuro what's wrong?" He asked starling his Big Brother.

"Nothing..." This was not something he wanted to talk about. Especially with his Brother of Lust.

"Oh, Kuro it's plain to see what's wrong. It's your mating season." He laughs at his brother's problem.

"Than why ask?"

"Wanted to see if you would tell me. I know you want to mate with (Y/N), she's a young adult now. She's not the child you once knew."

Kuro looks up to the starry night sky. "I never thought she would have survived the first 12 hours. Her injuries were so bad, she should have died in my arms. But I gave her a second chance."

"You gave her, her life back Kuro. Children deserve to live their life. The way you and Francis brought her back, wasn't the normal way. You were able to let her walk in the sun. If she was a vampire, she would have been killed again."

"But what is she? She's not human or vampire."

"Why are you worrying about something that doesn't need your attention? (Y/N) is more important than worrying about something that can wait."

"Guess you're right..." He looks to your window, saw the light was still on.

"Why don't you go mate with (Y/N)? You know you want too. ~" Lily had a big smirk across his face.

"I can't face this." With that, he headed for your room.


You sat on the floor, looking at your knives. Making sure they were sharp and clean. You heard a knock on the door. "Come in."

Kuro walked in, but he looks tense. You packed your knives away, walk over to him. "What's wrong, you look tense?"

"I... I don't know I..."

You started to worry, "you don't know what, Ash?"

"You called me Ash?" He narrowed his eyes at you.

You lightly chuckled, "that's what I called you when you were in human form. Remember?"

"No..." He slammed the door shut.

"I can go ba-" He back you up till back of your knees hit the bed and you fell back. Kuro climb on top of you.

"Scream my name!" He smashes his lips into yours. Roughly and needy, pushing you into the mattress.

He pulled away. As you looked into his blood-red eyes, you saw something animalistic. Something you never saw, but at the same time turns you on. "Ash, I'm all yours ~"

Any self-control he had was now gone. Clothes were ripped off your body, and thrown carelessly. His hands roam all over you, feeling every inch. As his mouth attack your neck, sucking, nipping. He found your sweet spot. Beginning to mew, wiggle under him. Kuro smirk into the neck, he moved from your sweet spot. Moved down your neck, scraped his fangs across your skin.

Sent a shiver down your spine, suddenly feel a sharp pain left side of your neck. But at the same time, it was pleasurable. An uncontrollable moan escapes your lips, as Kuro drank your blood. He had his fill, he looks into your (E/C) orbs, filled with lust and pleasure. You were staring back at him, there were no thoughts other than wanting him inside you.

It was as if he read your mind, removed his own clothes. And was back on top of you. He lined himself up to your womanhood, ram his cock in. You threw your head back, "A-ASH ~"

He didn't give you any time to adjust. He set the pace hard and fast, and it only got harder and faster. You were seeing stars at how fast he was going.

"Ahhh Ash ~" He grunt, he pulled out and flip you around so you were on all fours. No warning he grabs your hips, thrust himself in. Scream his name "AASH!!~"

He leans on you, right hand holding him up. And left hand had a tight hold on your breast. With each squeeze, you moan with so much pleasure. You were enjoying every hard thrust into your dripping wet pussy. Till felt his hot breath on your right ear. "Mine! All mine! ~"

You allowed Kuro access to your neck. Allowing him to bite you again, you loved it. It added more pleasure, it was like ecstasy you wanted it more. Not turning down your offer, he sunk his teeth into your neck. You cried out in pleasure, only made Kuro go harder.

More grunts and huffing heard, teeth still in your neck. He hit your spot, as you were about to fall to your elbows. He stops his assault on your breast, grabs you holding you up. He bites harder as if to say 'don't you dare move'.

He continued abusing your spot, you could feel your release was coming and quick. "Ash... I'mmm ahhh... Going to..."

He let go of your neck, "don't you dare, I'm not even close yet!"

You were shocked, he had been going hard and he wasn't even close? You tried to hold back, you wanted your release so badly.

He turns you on to your back. Held your hands above your head, with one hand. While he traces your lips with his thumb. You stare up at him, begging for your release. He crashes his lips in yours, as you moan into the kiss he's tongue darted in. Calming what was his. His thrusts started to slow down, you hope for your sweet release. The pace picks back up, cause you to scream into the kiss. Your walls clamp down on his cock. It was enough to tip the Servamp over the edge. You both came hard screaming each other's names, in pure ecstasy.

He let go of your hands, as he rested his head on yours. "Kitten... I..."

"I thoroughly enjoyed myself." You capture his lips in a sweet kiss.

"My Little Troublesome Kitten." He kisses you and laid next to you.

You rolled over snuggled into his chest. Something you never let anyone do was dormant you. Kuro could dormant you any day of the week.

As you listen to his heartbeat, you fell asleep. Kuro pulled the blankets up covered you both and fell asleep holding you.

Vampire Hunter - Sleepy Ash/Kuro x Reader (Servamp)Where stories live. Discover now