A Vampire Hunter In Town 🔪🧛🏼‍♀️🏘

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I wake up to Mahiru getting ready for school. "What a pain..."

"Good morning Kuro." Why is he so cheerful for?

"Morning..." I turn back into my human form headed off to the kitchen.

"Hey, Kuro?"

"What?" I pull out a bag of chips.

Mahiru walks down the hall. "That girl from last night (Y/N). I was thinking, how does she seem familiar to you? Have you seen her before?"

"I didn't say she was familiar, I said there was something about her."

"So what is it?"

"You're so bothersome I could die..."

His phone started to ring, "hey Misono. Okay, we'll be there you soon. Bye."

"Now what?"

"Misono wants us to come over. He says it's an emergency."

"What a pain..."


Mahiru knocks on the door. "Good morning Mahiru, Kuro in your backpack?" I'm guessing Dodo answered the door.

"Good morning."

Mahiru walks in, "Misono in the dining hall. This way."

Dodo opens the doors, I jump out of the bag, see the Bastard-chan sat at the end of the table. "Good, you're here. We have an urgent matter!"

"What it is Misono? Where's Lily?" Mahiru sits next to him.

"I'm here, the children were a little upset when they heard the news."

"What happens?" I ask

"Have you heard there's a Vampire Hunter in town?" Bastard-chan ask

"You mean C3?" I replied

"No worst, they're a group that works outside of C3. Kills first never ask questions. Even talking to a vampire whether you know it or not, will get you killed."

"How did you find out?" Mahiru asks as he thanked the maid for the tea.

"Pride's Subclass saw her last night. Sent us a photo." Lily hands a photo over.

Look over Mahiru's shoulder it was the girl from last night. "We saw her last night, she said she was passing through."

"You spoke to her?" Bastard-chan yelled it hurt my little cat ears.

"Yes, Kuro was stealing food off of her. She seems to be friendly. Kuro said she seems familiar."

"Did not!"

"She's tried to kill you before?" Bastard-chan asks

"No, I would remember that. I said there was something about her." This really starting to bother me...

"Whatever the case we need to be careful, and watch our backs. We don't know what she's capable of." Bastard-chan said as if I needed to be reminded.

"She could be harmless and just passing through."

"You're too trusting Mahiru." Bastard-chan was right he is.

"Maybe, I like to give people the benefit of a doubt."

"She's a vampire hunter Mahiru! Arr, there's no use arguing with you."

"How troublesome..." All the fuss over a girl.

- (Y/N) -

"Wonder if that idiot here." Open the door to the antique shop.

Vampire Hunter - Sleepy Ash/Kuro x Reader (Servamp)Where stories live. Discover now