Chapter 27

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Used to.


"I think we done a pretty good job of this project" Lance laughs.

"Yeah, me too" I smile at our finishing project.

"It's pretty cool" Matt says as he crosses his arms and looks down at our project with an impressed look.

Lance's phone begins to ring and he dismisses himself from the room answering the phone to Maddie.

"I'm going to have to go it's 5 already" he says as he checks his phone.

"This days gone so quick" I laugh.

I'll have to start getting ready.

"I'm sorry but I've got to go see my uncle, I'll see you in school tomorrow" Matt smiles as he embraces me into a hug.

"Sure, see you tomorrow" I smile back as we pull away, and he grabs his backpack before heading home.

I sit down on my bed as Lance comes back into my room.

"Hey" he smiles as he sits down next to me.

"Hey" I reply.

"I'm sorry, but I have to go" he apologizes grabbing his jacket and putting it on.

"Don't worry it's fine" I smile "I need to get ready anyway"

"Oh yeah, you've got that double date with Faye Harry and Justin haven't you?" He asks.

I nod "yeah, it's going to be quite awkward though"

"I'm sure it'll be fine, I'm going for a meal with Maddie and her family so if anything it'll be awkward for me" he shrugs.

"Yeah" I laugh "good luck with that"

"Thanks haha you too" he smiles as he embraces me in a hug before leaving.

Well, I better get ready then.


"You look beautiful" Justin grins as he links his arm with mine and we begin walking to his car.

I've curled my hair and put on a black jumper with my white nike trainers and my leather jacket over as it's quite cold for September. Faye said the restaurant was casual so I've decided to go dressed as not too dressy but not too casual.

"Thanks, you don't look too bad yourself" I smirk commenting on his outfit. He wears a white Ralph Lauren t-shirt and denim jeans with with white supras. He always looks freaking flawless.

"I try" he laughs as he opens his car door for me and shuts it once I'm in.

I strap myself in as he walks around and climbs in the drivers seat and we begin driving.

Ten minutes later we've arrived at the restaurant, Justin grabs my hand as we get out and walk through to the restaurant.

"Nice place" he comments.

I like the decor, as I look around its full of old pictures and classy lamps. It's a really nice place.

"Yeah it is isn't it" I smile to Justin who then grabs my hand as we wait to be taken to the table that Faye and Harry are at.

I can't believe after like 3 years I'm actually going to see him. I've missed him so much. Where has he been?

"Kate! Over here!" I hear my cousin shout, and as mine and Justin's gazes both follow her voice. Well here goes.

I look next to her and see the flawless Harry Styles with the luscious brown locks of his, wearing a smart Hugo boss t-shirt. my heart begins to beat a million beats per second as I look at him. God I've missed him so much.

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