Chapter 18

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His house.


We arrive at Justin's house and head straight up to his bedroom.

"So what happened baby?" He asks bringing me into a hug.

"Sam" I mumble into his chest.

He pecks my head and whispers "what did that little fucker do to my girl?" whilst his lips still linger on my head.

I laugh into his chest "he brought up Vanessa" I sigh.

"What was he saying?" He asks.

"He was saying all things like "I should of went for her, maybe I should go for her now" and all this, but the weird thing is.. I'm sure he knows that she's dead" I speak the end bit almost mutely.

"Ignore him, he's only jealous" he says and presses multiple kisses to my head.

"I know" I sigh.

"I wrote a little bit of a song the other day" he speaks up.

My head shots up to him, and we pull away from the cuddle.

"Where is it? Can I look?" I ask him impatiently with a huge grin plastered on my face.

He points over to his desk and I notice a little notepad laying there.

"Is it in there?" I question.

He nods without saying a word.

I walk over to the nose and pick it up, opening the page where the pen is left I between the notepad.

"I don't work hard when it's easy I put in work when it's hard Girl I never believed in, love until I had yours This is more than a season And I'm not just sprung I'm not afraid to tell ya, that you're the one I'm the one you wake up thinking about The one I can run to when I'm feeling down Life is all good when you're around Girl nobody from the past is beating you right now Cause I take you home to mama Let you meet my friends Cause you don't come with drama So I want you til' the world ends You're way more than worth it but I don't feel like I deserve it You got the pieces You're my kind of perfect" as I read it, I feel two strong muscly arms being wrapped around my torso, he starts humming the song in my ear and I close my eyes at the sound of it and lay my head back on his shoulder.

We stand like this for a couple of minutes, no sound, no nothing, him just holding me and gently humming in my ear, sending constant chills throughout my body. I walk over to the bed and lay down on it, him soon following and us cuddling for a while, until I drift off into a nap, as our body's cuddle contently.


I hear loud knocking on the bedroom door and look to my left and see that Justin isn't there no more.

What time is it?

The door opens and Justin walks in smiling "did you have a nice sleep babe?"

I nod "I did"

"Good" he smiles and hands me my drink "you must of been tired.

"I think I was" I laugh "what time is it?"

He looks at his watch, and tilts his head as an confused angle as to why I'm watching "I don't know where my phone is and I forgot to put my watch on" I state.

He nods "it's 4 o'clock" and smiles, walks over to the bed and cuddles into me.

We lay there for a few minutes until I realise I have work in about half an hour.


I jolt up and grab my jacket "shit I've got work"

"What time?" He asks.

"4:30" I speak quickly trying to hurry up so I can go to stupid work.

"Want me to drop you off?" He asks.

"If you want, but I need to get going" I reply.

He stand up instantly from the bed and grabs his jacket "lets go" he smiles and we both lead to his car.


Tiny freaking update😁

I apologize, it's so tiny.


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What do you guys think? I hope you like this story so far😁😘

-Shauna xoxo

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