Chapter 24

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Almost bitten.


Today is friday, and Justin didn't turn up to college.

He's not been answering any of my text's.

I guess he's still pretty annoyed at me. I don't blame him though, but seriously did he have to make such a big deal out of it?

I know I say I hate Sam but before we ever got together, we were really close friends. I mean, yesterday was just catching up with an old friend really.

I think about texting Justin one more time, but I decide not to. I mean, he's still pretty pissed at me I think so I'll probably be better to go and see him face to face. You know, sort things out.

Maybe I could see if he fancys coming to this party with me.

Hopefully we sort it out in time.

"Mum! I'm borrowing your car for a few hours I'll be back soon!" I shout into the living room as I get to the bottom of the stairs and see my mums car keys, picking them up I to my left hand as my right hand grabs ahold of the door.

"That's fine Jess! See you soon" she shouts back almost immediately.

I rush out of the door, in hope that Justin won't be out doing anything right now and hopefully he's just at home.


Before I get out of the car walking up to Justin's house steps, I look at the dash board. 6:55 pm. That means ive got about 2 hours until Lance picks me up at 9 for the party in his street.

I step out of the car, immediately stepping into the chilly September winds.

You wouldn't think summer was last month.

With the sun behind the clouds, I walk among the grim lighted pavement and up the stairs to Justin's house door.

I get to the top of the stairs and knock on the door.

No answer.

I knock again.

No answer.

I decide to wait a few minutes to see if anyone opens the door. But they don't.

I notice a bell on the door and click it, in hope that someone might answer.

No answer. I sigh and turn around, to walk back to my car but I come to a halt at what I see.

"Hi Jess" He smiles evilly.

"J-James" I shiver.

"What you doing here? Come to see lover boy?" He smirks as he gets closer to me.

"Uhh I came-came to see Justin" I stutter.

"Too bad, he's out at the minute he was annoyed over something, got a bag got in his car and I haven't seen him since" he shrugs.

"Oh uh do you know when he'll be back?" I ask.

"Nope" James speaks popping the 'P'.

"Oh uh fine I'll try again tomorrow" I reply looking at the floor and making my way to my mums car again.

My arm gets launched back forcefully and I get pushed up against the front door of my car "let's carry on from where we last was shall we?" He licks his lips angrily bringing his head closer to my neck.

I try and move away but it's almost impossible. He's too strong.

He begins kissing my neck and I try and move away again and again but he slams me hard against the car door making me wince in pain.

"Let me go! Please!" I cry out just as I hear something slam shut behind me.

"I'm not letting go princess" he laughs evilly and ducks his head to my neck again.

"Help! Help!" I screech.

"Shut up!" James shouts angrily into my neck "no ones going to hear you anyway"

I feel two teeth grazing my neck, ready to be bite. I wince with my eyes shut.

I feel James being yanked off of me and I open my eyes in shock.

"What did I tell you?!" The brown haired guy on top of James speaks angrily whilst multiple punches are thrown.

"Jeez Justin! Lay off will you! I was only trying to have some fun" James coughs underneath of him.

Wait. Justin? As in my Justin? As in the Justin that's pissed off at me but I want to make it up to him with anything in the world? That Justin?

"Justin" I whisper.

His head snaps up almost immediately and I'm right. It is my Justin. If I still get to call him that if we haven't broken up.

He climbs off of James and James stands up almost immediately, going out of sight in the blink of an eye.

Justin walks over to me and wraps his arms securely around me. I simply don't move a muscle only stare into the trees and shiver with shock taking over me. I've just almost been bitten.. by a vampire.

"Shhh shhh it's fine baby he's gone now" He soothes "I told you I'd always protect you no matter what didn't i?" He whispers and kisses the top of my head.

That grabs my attention.

I smile and look up at him "thankyou"

He tilts my head to see my neck and rubs over the spot that James nearly bit into.

"It's fine, he didn't touch me" I speak.

"Gladly, if I didn't get here sooner, I don't know what I would of done" he sighs.

"Hey, I'm okay now thanks to you" I smile and peck his cheek, he brings me into a secure hug again and we stand there feeling safe and protected by eachother.

"I'm sorry Justin" I whisper into his chest.

"What for?" He whispers back.

"For yesterday, for nearly being bitten" I sigh.

"I forgive you" he plants a delicate kiss to my head "and besides, it's not your fault you were nearly bitten and yesterday.. Yesterday I shouldn't of been so jealous, you mean so much to me and I know that sounds delusional considering that I only met you less than two weeks ago but you mean so so much to me already Jess" he speaks contently.

"You mean so much to me too Justin, lastnight after our little row.. I couldn't stop thinking of how stupid I was by letting you get away that easily there's things I could of done differently and we wouldn't of had that row, lastnight I was up all night thinking of what I should of done and how much of an impact you've had on me these past weeks,
And how happy I've been" I sigh "I'm so sorry"

"Hey hey hey" he lifts my head up in his hands "I forgive you, but really you should be the one forgiving me for being so damn jealous" he sighs "just don't want to loose you is all"

"And your not going to" I peck his lips multiple times, he reacts back and we kiss for a couple of minutes.

He pulls away from the kiss breathlessly and rests his forehead against mine "let's go to that party" he smirks.

"How did you know?" I question.

"I know you too well Jess" he kisses my forehead and goes into the house to get changed after we arrange that he'll pick me up at my house in his car and we'll meet Lance, Maddie and the others at the party.


I bet you wasn't expecting that was you🌚 hmm.

Vote, comment, share😜

-Shauna x

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