Chapter 23

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I glance up at the clock and see the time is already 5:30.


I'm late.

"Guys! I'm so sorry! I have to go to work!" I speak grabbing hold of my clean leggings and t-shirt.

"It's fine, we've nearly finished so" Matt shrugs.

"Yeah, we can finish up if you'd like, you've done loads!" Lance exclaims.

"I don't mind guys, we can finish it off Sunday if you like" I reply as I step into my walk in wardrobe and shut the doors behind me and tilt the wooden blinds so they can't see through.

I get changed pretty much quickly, and step out of my walk in wardrobe, the boys both grab there stuff and Lance tells me he's going to drop me off at the cafe, to save me being late for my shift.

"Thanks guys" I thank them as they drop me off outside of the cafe.

"No problem sister" Lance laughs. He's my technical brother so we call eachother brother and sister sometimes, crazy. I know.

"Bye guys" I smile and wave to them both.

"Bye!" They both shout out of the car and Lance quickly drives away.

I walk into the cafe and spot Sam sitting there. I glance at my watch and see that the time is 5:50 pm which means I have 10 minutes until my shift starts.

I sneakily try to walk past Sam, in hope that he doesn't see me. To my luck, he see's me. dammit.

"Hey! Jess!" I hear an look behind me.

"Oh hey sam, sorry I forgot" I sigh.

He stands from his chair quickly and smiles "don't worry about it, here sit down" he pulls out a chair for me and walks back around to his side of the table.

I reluctantly sit down and thank him, "so, what was it you wanted to talk about?" I ask.

"I just want to tell you a few things" he admits as he picks up his coffee mug, drinks from it and puts it back down, not looking me in the eye once.

"What do you need to tell me?" I question.

"A few things" he sighs looking down at the table still and not making eye contact with me.

"Like?" I urge for him to carry on.

"Us" he whispers and now looks me in the eyes hopefully.

Is he serious?

"There is no 'us' Sam" I state.

He leans back in his chair "yeah, not now, in the future there will be and there used to be" he states.

"Used to be; past tense and for future references, I'm not going to get back with you" I clarify.

"Why? You loved me" he asks confused.

"Exactly! Loved! I don't love you anymore" I shrug "not after what you done anyway" I whisper mutely, in hope that he doesn't hear.

"You know I didn't mean that" he speaks sorrowfully "and anyway, I still love you"

I roll my eyes "sure"

He goes to protest but is interrupted.

"Jess!" We both hear and look up and see Cole hovering over our table like the giant he is.

"Hey Cole" I smile.

I take a glance at my watch and see that it is now 6:00 pm. I stand from the table and Sam stands too, he grabs my hand hauling me to look at him, which I do.

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