Chapter 8

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Shopping, surprises and shocks.

"Bye!!" I shout out the door at Mollie and Logan and check the time on my watch.

It's half 11 already.. Crap.

I watch them drive down the street and I quickly rush up to my room when their car is out of sight.

I pull the box out to see what's inside of it from justin.

I take the lid off and I'm met by a load of multicoloured tissue paper, I take the tissue paper out and I'm met with a beautiful gold dress.

I pull it out over the box and my mouth literally hits the floor.

I can't believe he's bought me this perfect dress, I love it.

I instantly take my clothes off and whip it on as quick as possible, eager to see what it looks like on me.

Once I've got the golden dress on I walk over to the mirror and look in it.


He's got really good fashion sense, being able to pick me a dress like this that I actually like.. I don't usually wear dresses that much, but this is.. This is breathtaking.

My phone starts ringing from across the room and I walk over to it and answer it.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Hey Jess" I hear him speak down the phone happily.

"Hey Justin" I smile to myself.

"Come open the door, I'll knock now, I'm outside" he chuckles.

"Okay" I laugh put the phone down and quickly get changed back into what I was originally wearing: my new black 5 seconds of summer t-shirt and black leggings with my black converse.

"Yeah we're dressed in black from head to toe, got guns hidden under our petticoats" I sing to myself as I quickly look myself over in the mirror.

I hear the door bell ring and I quickly put hang the dress up in my wardrobe for later and rush down the stairs to answer it.

"I'll get it!" I shout running down the stairs.

I open the door to be met with a nicely dressed Justin.

"Hi" he smiles and then steps forward "happy birthday" he says, embraces me not a hug and burys his head into the crook of my neck, smelling my perfume probably.

"Thankyou" I speak over his shoulder.

"You smell amazing" he speaks and pulls away licking his lips.

"Thanks" I laugh "it's a new perfume I just got" I smile.

"It's heavenly" he smiles.

I glance at my watch and see the time is only 11:50.

He's a little early isn't he? Oh well, saves me from doing hardly nothing all day.

"You ready to go?" He grins.

"Yeah, let me just go get my money I'll be down now" I smile and walk up the stairs to my room rather quickly.

I grab my handbag off my bed, and put my phone in it meanwhile checking if I've got my money.

Imagine if I accidentally forget my money. That'd be so awkward.

"You was quick" Justin laughs from the front door as I'm walking back down the stairs.

"I had it ready" I laugh.

"Come on then, I'm excited to treat you" he grins excitedly.

Just as I'm about to walk out of the door I shout to my mum and Dad, "I'm going out with a friend, I'll see you guys later" and wait for a reply.

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