Chapter 3

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I guess I made a new friend.


I stare into his deep red eyes, as he stares into my bright blue ones.

"They're so.. Different" I mutter, as we begin walking again.

"How do you mean?" He asks.

"Well.. There red, I don't think I've ever come across anybody with red eyes before" honestly, I don't think I have.

I've only seen films where vampires have red eyes.


There just fictional characters aren't they?

It's not like he can be a vampire.

He lets out a laugh, which makes me confused.

"What's so funny?" I ask.

"Nothing" he says quietly.

"You intrigue me you know" I say.

"How do you mean?" He asks again.

"You just do" I mumble.

"How so?" He asks, waiting for an explanation.

"Well.. Your quicker than a lightening bolt speed, and those beautiful deep red eyes" and those cheek bones and hair and teeth.

He starts laughing again, which causes me to look at him once again with confusion.

"What's so funny? You do" I mumble, now looking at the floor.

"How do you think I have 'quicker than a lightening bolt speed'?" he laughs putting quotation marks around the words 'quicker than a lightening bolt speed.'

"Well lastnight, you more or less got out here without me even batting an eyelash, and that's pretty quick" I laugh.

"Yeah, let's face it though, you was really drunk" he laughs.

"True,but honestly I swear you got out of here quicker than a lightening bolt" which causes him to laugh again.

"Your funny,you know?" He speaks.

"Thanks" I laugh.

"Although I'm not trying to be.." I mutter quite to myself, but he hears.

"Well you are anyway" he smiles.

"Thanks, uh, so what's your name?" I ask.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out Jessica" he smiles.

"How do you know my name?" I ask.

"Uh.. I.. I know your name because.." He mumbles rubbing the back if his neck with his hand.

"Because.." I trail.

"Because I've been told to look after you and check up on you" he says rather quietly.

"Who told you to do that?" I ask.

"What did I say in that first letter I wrote you?" He asks, starting to get angry for some reason.

"You said that 'you ask the questions' " I quote adding quotation marks with my fingers.

"Exactly, now let me ask the questions" he smiles, sounding and looking calmer than before.

"But I know like hardly anything about you, and we've made a deal now" I sigh.

"You will, sooner or later, and just go with what I said in the letter for today"he smiles.

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