Chapter 33

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( important authors note at the end! )

It can't be.

"When do we start longer hours?" I ask Cole, as I wash a coffee cup.

He shrugs "I'm not sure actually, Paul hasn't said yet"

"Oh okay, you doing anything nice this weekend?" I question.

"Not much actually, I wanna go to a party and find a girl or something" he laughs.

I roll my eyes "I don't know why you don't just find yourself a girl already, I mean any girl would be lucky enough to have a girl like you"

From the corner of my eye i see him blush a little bit at my comment but then he grins "thanks Jess"

"Where's Jessica Carter?" I hear the familiar husky voice.

"I'm here, why?" I ask as I look up facing Harry who's frantically looking around the coffee shop for me, when his eyes land on me he sighs in relief and walks closer towards me.

What does he want?

"I need to speak to you" he rushes out as soon as he gets to me.

"Why?" I spit.

Well that sounded quite harsh Jess.

Cole laughs from beside me, obviously at the tone of my voice.

"Because I need to speak to you about something important before it's too late" he groans as he reaches across the counter and attempts to grab my arm but fails as I'm standing too far back for him to be able to reach me.

"What do you mean? Speak to me before it's too late?" I question curiously.

Be careful Jess, Curiosity killed the cat remember.

"Please" he bats his eyelashes a few times, looking cute as hell. Dammit.

I look at Cole for permission and he just shrugs and rolls his eyes "you have your break soon so I think it'll be fine if you take your break early I'll be fine here"

I smile widely and hug him tightly "thankyou"

"Your welcome, now be careful I don't want that fucker hurting you again" he speaks into my shoulder.

I laugh and pull away "thanks Cole! Love you!!" I exclaim as I whip off my apron and hang it up before I leave from behind the counter as Cole shouts back a kind love you too.

Then I turn to face Harry as he's standing there glaring at Cole as he cleans up another cup.

"He seem's friendly" Harry mumbles as he walks closer to me and pulls me to a table.

"He's a very nice person actually, he's one of my bestfriends" I smile at the memories me and Cole have together.

"Oh" he speaks bluntly as he gives Cole a glare as he walks past.

"What did you want me for?" I ask, sounding probably just as blunt as he did before.

"Oh right" he shuffles his chair in closer and props his hands in a crossed position "about that"

"Yeah.." I trail for him to carry on.

"I'm sorry" he apologies as he looks me dearly in the eyes.

"For what?" I question, although I have an idea what he's apologising for even though he doesn't need to. It's been a while since then.

"When I left" he sighs.

I knew it.

"Oh.. err.. I-I" I stutter unable to speak not knowing what to say.

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