Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

Of all the things Victor Hugo had written, Hernani was definitely one of the most accessible works he had created. I wouldn't suggest Les Miserable to anyone who wanted something to read on a flight.

Hernani was also... well mushy really. Three men all courting the same woman. It was a romantic play for the Romantics.

And I was now going to play one of its scenes with the girl I'd been pinning over for years.

I gave Lexi her play back, truly realizing that this was actually happening and I was about to have a safe space to declare my love for Lexi without consequences.

"Let's start from the top, I can be Dona Josefa for today since Daphnee's not here, or Alex maybe, he could always be the one doing it, so yeah, me Hernani, you Dona Sol and there is no argument over this," I instructed. 

Lex rolled her eyes at me, unimpressed. "Who's the dude and who's the chick anyway? Is it two chicks?"

She was kind of looking at me with teasing eyes and smug smile, like she wanted to annoy me on purpose. I just found it cute. "You silly girl. Hernani's the hot dude and Dona Sol the girl head over heels over him," I informed her, though in all honesty, Hernani was as smitten with his Dona Sol as I was with my Lexi. "Alright read it Pumpkin," I told her.

Lexi rolled her eyes again and said, "Josefa!"

"Madam?" I answered, using a high pitch voice as I was reading the part of Dona Josefa, a girl.

Lexi laughed at my attempt. "Oh! I fear some mishap. Hernani should be here. That must be him. Let him in before he knocks," she read Dona Sol's line and again seemed quite unimpressed. 

I wondered if she was a romantic. Did she like mushy declarations of love and grand gestures? I'd liked the girl for years, but I had no idea what kind of stuff she was into when it came to a boyfriend. Did she want a poem a day with flowers, or she wanted nothing to do with it?

Because I was kind of a romantic, so if she wasn't this was definitely doomed from the start.

I read Hernani's part, already feeling happy about all of this. "Dona Sol! Ah, finally, it's you. The voice that speaks to me is yours. Why does fate place my days so far away from yours? I need you desperately to help me forget all the others."

Unlike Hernani, I had no one to think about but Lexi, so I really didn't need her to forget about anyone, but I enjoyed the sentiment behind it.

Already, I could see Lexi unhappy with what she was about to read. "My lord. Your clothes..." She stopped reading and glared at me. "Are you freaking serious?"

I was grinning from ear to ear, way too happy about this beautiful innuendo she was about o offer me on a silver plate. "Hell yeah! Go on read it. Read it."

"Your clothes are... dripping. It must have rained hard," Lexi painfully read.

"If it did, I didn't notice," I read, ready for her to read the next part. 

"Take off your coat..." Lexi said, clearly annoyed while I just laughed. 

"Look at you already trying to get me out of my clothes, you naughty girl," I teased her.

I thanked Victor Hugo for his contribution to my eternal teasing of Lexi Grayson.

"Stick with the script," Lexi snapped at me.

Oh, like that was going to happen. "Hell no," I said and continued reading, "Dona Sol, my love, tell me. When at night you sleep, calm pure and innocent... when happy slumber cracks your mouth and places its finger on your eyes, does an angel tell you how sweet you are to the forgotten one that all push aside and abandon?" I read, just letting it all out, not acting just letting myself tell these things to Lexi, Blake talking to her, not Hernani to Dona Sol. That was going to be the recurring theme of this evening.

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