Chapter 76

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Chapter 76

We made our way back to my camp, an arm around each other.

Lexi was being quiet, but there was also a little smile on her face, so I assumed she wasn't against following me to my camp.

I really wished she wanted to stay with me a little bit longer as much as I wanted to stay with her too.

Once we walked in my camp, the guys were scattered around the room, some playing poker and others just bumming around.

"Well, well, if it isn't Bonnie and Clyde! Should I be watching my back and protecting my nuts?" Cameron said before calling. He was playing poker with Trevor, Mark, and Davis.

"Want to play?" Davis asked.

"Sure," I agreed, Lexi just standing beside me. "But I'm changing first," I added, and headed to my room.

Now that we were inside, I could feel how cold I actually was and my knee was throbbing. I probably needed to disinfect it again. I was pretty sure there was a first aid kit in the bathroom. I also needed to use the bathroom.

It was like all of my needs had been put on the back burner when I was around Lexi.

All my brain could focus on was her when she was around.

"Catherine's sleeping in there, you might want to change in another room," Mark called after me.

"Thanks for the heads up," I replied. Of course, his girlfriend was crashing in our room.

I tried to make as little sound as I could as I grabbed a pile of clothes to change into and then headed right back out and to the bathroom.

Lexi was talking with the guys so all was good.

I checked my knee and cleaned and disinfected it again, before going to the bathroom and changing.

I felt better in dry clothes.

When I came back into the living room though, Lexi was nowhere to be seen. Had she left?

Oh man, what a dumbass. I shouldn't have left her alone. She'd jump on the occasion to go back to the camp.

I was standing there like an idiot with extra clothes for her to change into. What was I supposed to do now? She hadn't even said goodbye.

I felt sad all of a sudden.

"Jesus, you look like someone just kicked your puppy," Cameron said.

"Don't worry, she just left to get some food," Mark added with a smug little smile.

"What?" I asked.

"Oh, right, yeah, I should have guessed that," Cameron said, nodding his head, chuckling.

I glared at him. "Shut up."

"Suuuuuuure, I'll shut up for you honey," he crooned as I sat down beside him on the couch.

Okay, so it was fine. Lexi was coming back.

God, I really was overdramatic, wasn't I?

The twins, Mark and Davis were playing poker so I joined their game.

We were betting peanuts. Peanuts that Trevor just kept eating in between each new game.

So, it wasn't real betting.

Fred was lying down on the floor. He looked like he was napping, which I found really funny.

My friend could really fall asleep anywhere.

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