(This is a little something to celebrate my 20,000 fans. I LOVE YOU GUYS! Thaaaanks for the support! :D)
Chapter 4
After Josh dropped me off at my house and drove away, I was kind of at a loss with what to do with myself.
The smart thing to do would have been to go to sleep, but I was just too keyed up to even go anywhere near my bed. The day had been way too entertaining and it was kind of hard to go down from all the highs.
And I could still clearly see Lexi in the red dress.
So, instead of just pacing in my room, I went in the basement where we had training equipment and ran a few miles on the treadmill. Well, I ran until mom came and snuck her head in the room, glaring slightly at me—my cue to go to sleep.
But I was still nowhere close to being tired, so I picked up Around the World in Eighty Days and started to read. When I was about half way through it, my phone started to flash.
I almost ignored it, figuring it was probably just a booty call, but if it was Josh and I was ignoring one of his texts I knew he would call the entire street to have them check up on me—his was like a damn mother hen.
I was completely surprised when I saw who the text actually came from though. Never in a million years would I have guessed Tyler Grayson, Lexi’s little brother would be the one texting me at two in the morning.
I read, “Try not to be too harsh with my sister please. She’s been having a really shitty time lately,” and frowned while I did.
I quickly replied with a “She told you?” not sure he would actually reply. Tyler Grayson rarely texted me. Okay, he never texted me. But somehow, during the little video game playing bounding moments during one of his sister Annabelle’s party, I had ended up giving him my number—mostly with the hope he’d give it to his sister. Like, a part of me had this crazy scenario, where she’d take her brother cellphone, see my number on there, text me to know why he had my number and that would somehow lead to me serenading her my love at her window.
My issues were so wrong, they didn’t even have a name.
A few seconds later though, I got my reply. “I heard her talk on the phone. She was kind of freaking out.”
I couldn’t really help the little chuckled that broke past my lips. And there was a part of me that was thrill about the fact she was talking about me on the phone with someone, even though it was probably to plan bodily harm.
But then I stop being stupid and really thought about what Tyler was texting me. His sister, Lexi, my Lexi, was having a hard time. And it was easy to guess why. Her mother leaving was really hard on her. And as much as part of me loved annoying her—because it meant spending time with her—and even if part of me wanted to make her suffer a little for thinking my name was actually freaking Drake—I still couldn’t believe that one—this was Lexi, and she was hurting and if she was hurting, I wasn’t going to make her more miserable. She didn’t care about me, but I cared about her that much. So I texted “If she’s really freaking out, just tell her I won’t do anything. I’m really not that big of an asshole,” to Tyler and threw my phone on the reclining chair opposite to me.
Well, this had been fun while it had lasted. Not.
This sucked.
I frowned when my phone started to flash again. The hell? Wasn’t it clear enough? Maybe he was just thanking me.

The Smirking Jerk (Blake's POV)
Teen Fiction"I'm in love with you." How many times would I have to think about this, how many times, before she could hear it, feel it, see it in my eyes? "I'm in love with you." How could I make her see without telling her, without scaring her off... without l...