Chapter 97

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Chapter 97

"So, what are we talking about," Lexi asked in a cheerful voice.

"My apparent lack of skills on the field lately," I replied, still kind of on the fence about the fact that Lexi was just just sitting on my lap in front of her father.

I was going to get kicked out of the house soon, right?

"He could have played a way better game on the other day," her father added.

"I had my mind elsewhere preoccupied," I answered, brushing my chin on her shoulder softly.

"Not a good enough reason son," Mr Grayson said, as he kept preparing dinner. "You shouldn't make us look stupid to the other playing team because you have lady problems."

"Dad," Lexi said in an exasperated tone.

I laughed and kissed her shoulder. "Don't worry Pumpkin, he's right."

I had no idea why I'd done this. Maybe I wanted to test how far I could go. Honestly though, I'd just done it absentmindedly. I had no right to be this used to my kissing privileges.

Less than twenty-four hours ago I was still sulking, thinking that I'd never be with Lexi, ever.

And here I was kissing her shoulder in her kitchen with her family hanging around, like it was no big deal.

"But he's mean," Lexi whined, pouting at her father.

It was way too cute, that she was defending me.

"And he's right here," her father answered, not impressed.

We all laughed at the delivery.

"You know Blake, you shouldn't be agreeing with him this easily right from the beginning, he's going to think he can walk all over you," Lexi said.

"That's because he can," I pointed out.

As long as I was allowed to hug Lexi in their kitchen? The Graysons could do whatever they wanted.

"Excellent choice of boyfriend Lexi," her father said, as she rolled her eyes.

Tyler scoffed beside us. "Please, she didn't choose him. She barely even noticed him," he said, and grabbed my shirt, becoming all dramatic. "You still have time Blakina, you can still make things right and run back to me."

Mr Grayson shook his head. "Don't listen to him, he doesn't love you, he just wants to win the bet. But he's lost fair and square now."

"Give me twenty-four hours Dad, I'm sure I can convince him," Tyler replied.

"Maybe I shouldn't bring you back to my house again. I feel like I'll need to fight with Tyler for you," my Pumpkin said to me.

I chuckled. "A fair assessment, yes."

We kept joking around, as Mr Grayson finished making dinner.

When he was all done, we all sat around the counter, the designated dinning table at the Graysons household.

I tried getting in Lexi's father good grace by asking him about his job and what he was making. From what I'd gathered before, he liked to build new things, so I got him to talk about his latest invention.

My grandfather on my father's side like cars and engines, so I knew enough to keep up the conversation without sounding like a total idiot and seemingly pleasing the Grayson patriarch.

"I don't think I'm going to be able to finish my food, like, all this ass kissing is making me nauseous," Tyler whined at one point, making gagging sounds.

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