Author note at the beginning, I Sold Myself style. 8D Sorry about that, I just really want you guys to read this. Then I'll leave you alone and talk again at the end. :P
A new feature is going to start coming with your newest version of Wattpad. You will not be able to have your full library available while offline. This won't really affect me as a reader, I rarely use Wattpad offline for that, but I know a lot of you will be hurt from this, and consequently, hurting my readers hurts me too. I want you guys to be aware that this is going on. The only way to have an unlimited amount of stories available offline will be to get Premium membership. Otherwise you'll only be able to have 1 to 5 stories available offline. If you have bad internet connection, or limited data, this will affect you. This isn't a call to boycott or anything. I love Wattpad. I think it's the platform with the best readers and it's the most user friendly one. But loving it does not mean I shouldn't be allowed to critique it. And this just doesn't feel right to me, because this probably hurts the people that can't pay for Premium.
You can go check out the forums to see what people are saying. There's also this profile that some users made to keep people updated at @OneVoice
Let's stay informed about the latest changes.
Alright. You can read about Blake now. XD
A few things crossed my mind as our fully clothed bodies hit the water.
Most of my thoughts went along the lines of Lexi Grayson is going to kill me with her beautiful little hands.
I definitely had better ideas before.
But all of that kind of went on the back burner because as we fell in the water, I had my arms around Lexi and that was kind of a dream come true.
The idea was stupid, the water was cold, and Lexi was going to throttle me the second she would have a chance—she was already thrashing in my arms trying to get away, but that was totally okay.
Because I was crazy. Completely, absolutely crazy. What was I even thinking? We were having a heart to heart three seconds ago.
I really lost any kind of brain functions whenever I was around this girl.
I let Lexi go and she swam directly to the surface. I followed a second later, laughing.
I couldn't help it, I had to laugh. I was losing my mind and all I could do was laugh. I partly blamed my sleep deprivation.
I barely had time to take a breath and Lexi was almost jumping in my arms and pushing my shoulders down, taking me back under water.
I almost swallowed water because I'd been laughing like an idiot.
Two could play that game. If she was going to take me down, I was going to drag her with me.
I wrapped my arms around her waist again and dragged us down towards the bottom of the lake. Lexi was fighting against my grasp and since my plan wasn't actually to kill us both, I let her go.
I wasn't completely done though and the second she broke back to the surface, I grabbed her ankle and dragged her back under. I got a kick in the chest as a result.
I let her go again and went back to the surface, taking a big breath of air... to laugh a bit more.
She was heading straight for the deck. I went after her. Hey, if she was going to kill me for that stunt I was going to really make it worth it.

The Smirking Jerk (Blake's POV)
Roman pour Adolescents"I'm in love with you." How many times would I have to think about this, how many times, before she could hear it, feel it, see it in my eyes? "I'm in love with you." How could I make her see without telling her, without scaring her off... without l...