Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

The nightmares didn't dissipate because I decided to start painting my brother's face. Painting Jayden didn't magically fix everything wrong about me.

It wasn't because I was slightly moving on from my grief that all was well and good.

I was... tired.

So, I wasn't exactly surprised when Lexi told me as we walked up to her house, "you know you should really sleep at night Blake, it'd be good for you."

"Yeah, I know right?" I chuckled, feeling kinda empty because of how tired I was. Once we walked in her house, I actually headed straight to the couch in her living room, and let myself fall on it. I grabbed a pillow, wrapping my arms around it and closed my eyes.

Maybe if I took a nap here with Lexi beside me, I'd stop having stupid nightmares with her dying in it.

"What are you doing?" Lexi laughed, standing beside me.

"Sleeping, like you said I should," I replied, my voice muffled by the cushion my face was squished on.

Lexi kept finding me amusing. "I said at night Blake. Plus we're supposed to work, you know, that's kinda why you're here," she reminded me.

It would probably be wrong to sleep beside her instead of working on school stuff. Unfortunately.

Oh, to be back in that tent...

I reluctantly pushed myself up and sat on the couch instead. I ran my hands over my face, trying to push the tiredness away and sighed. "Just explain the damn Log again, before I kill myself," I told Lexi.

Lexi laughed at me again, and sat beside me.

I wanted to lean my head against her shoulder and close my eyes and fall asleep there.

Maybe wrap my arms around her waist too.

She was saying things, but I was only half listening.

I just wanted to fall asleep with her in my arms again, her heart beating close to mine.

Lexi tried explaining things to me, and one minute I thought it made sense, while the other nothing made sense again.

After lots of useless explainning, she got up, so I followed her around, like an obedient child. Pumpkin was checking the content of her fridge while I just wanted to wrap my arms around her and lean my head against hers.

She shut the fridge closed, and headed for the door.

Was this her casual way of walking me outside?

"Huh? What are you doing?" I asked.

"Our work is done and I don't know about you but I'm starving and there's nothing good here, so I'm heading out. So have a nice evening," she said and walked away.

"Wait up," I called after her, catching up. She was already putting her shoes on.

"What?" Lexi asked turning around to look at me.

"The least I can do is bringing you, plus I'm also hungry. Oh, and my car is so blocking yours," I informed her, just to make sure I had a bunch of arguments other for bringing me along, other than I love you.

"Fine, as long as you don't fall asleep driving, or in the food," Lexi replied, looking amusingly annoyed, "Oh wait, you can fall asleep in the food, that'd be funny."

I rolled my eyes at her, and followed her to my car.

It probably would have been better if she was the one driving. I was pretty tired. But it was also better to occupy myself during the ride, instead of just fighting the urge to kiss her.

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