Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Some moments, I was sure Lexi couldn't see me...

"It's either Connor and Jimmy have the same father and they are competing for his affection, or they wanna bang each other hard," Fred said beside me.

"My money's on a sick combination of both," Peter added.

Fred gagged. "I did not need to live with that kind of mental image in my head."

Peter just grinned mischievously. "You think they'd want to do a foursome with Shawn and Clark too?"

The reason why we were having this disturbing conversation was because Connor and Jimmy had been bickering for the last fifteen minute as to who was the best on a dirt bike.

I wasn't really paying that much attention to the guys though. I was thinking about Lexi. Big surprise there.

Earlier, I thought I had almost drowned Lexi and then she thought I'd almost drowned too. We'd both been kind of childish though I knew the blame mostly rested on my shoulders. I'd started all of it. The second she had stepped out of the car when we had arrived, she'd run away from me. I wanted the attention back like a needy child. I wanted all of her attention on me. But that wasn't how I was going to win her over, by pulling childish stunts all the time.

"Thanks for looking after Jean by the way," Fred suddenly said. Peter had gone to join the other guys.

I smiled at my friend. "It's no trouble Fred, you know we're always happy to help."

"You've helped a lot in the last couple of weeks. Thanks. Usually Daphnee pulls her nanny shifts too."

I chuckled at the comment. "When are you two going to start dating?" I knew they sort of had a thing, as much as you could have a thing with Daphnee Harrison.

Fred snorted, like I had just asked him the most ridiculous thing ever. "Me and Daph?"


He rolled his eyes at me. "We're not."

"Oh, so just casual sex?" I teased him. "What a player you are Fred."

"Shut up." He shoved me a little with his elbow. "We're good as friends."

I nodded, not believing him. "Uh huh."

"I mean it. We shouldn't date. I wouldn't dance in the rain with her."

I laughed at that. "What?"

Fred shook his head a little, smiling at some private joke. "Makes sense when you know her."

"Whatever you say."

"Anyway, you're one to talk about dating when—"

I didn't let him finish talking and started to walk away. "Bye byyyyyyye"

Fred laughed at my antic. "Hey, where you going?"

"To ponder about the impossibilities of inter-brotherly love."

"Have fun."

I made my way back to the deck by the Creek. Everyone was gone now, occupied somewhere else and I kind of welcomed the quiet.

Yeah, maybe I really shouldn't be giving dating advices when I was too chicken shit to fess up with Lexi.

I sat down at the edge of the deck and looked at the calm water.

I felt the deck move a little and turned around.

And here she was, the series regular in all of my daydreams.

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