Smirking Jerk
Chapter 12
There was absolutely no way I could have explained how I had ended up sitting in the Grayson's living room on a Friday night.
I was also kind of questioning the legitimacy of my feelings for Lexi because she was screaming, shouting at the TV screen. At the football players. At a re-run of a football game she already knew the outcome.
My friends were right; I was totally crazy to love this girl. Only a crazy person could love a crazy girl like her.
"Oh my god! Come on! Stop grabbing his fracking head! Grab his stupid little legs! OH MY GOD! Unbelievable!"
"Who cares if they grab him or not, he's not even catching the stupid ball! A spinster at a wedding grabs the bouquet with more strength and conviction than those stupid receivers!" Tyler was yelling at his sister and at the screen pointing at it.
They had both been sitting on the couch with me at the beginning of the game but maybe five minutes in they were just too into it that they were both sitting on the ground twitching a little like overly excited puppies. It was freaking hilarious.
The only sane Grayson in that living room was their father. He was just sitting there silently aside from the little chuckles he let out now and then when his children were being particularly stupid.
Actually, every time they got a chuckle from their father they sort of doubled their screaming effort, kind of like they were trying to make him laugh again. Were they actually just screaming at the scream like idiots to distract and amuse their dads? I actually didn't think they were doing it consciously; it looked like they were doing it without even knowing themselves.
"Come on! Run! For Christ sake! I've never seen a defence more suckish then that! RUN!"
"Is she always like that when she watches football?" I asked no one in particular. I was just very curious. Was this a one time thing? Was she making any more of an effort because I was there and she really wanted to traumatise me?
The two Grayson offspring weren't even listening to me. Lexi was yelling, "Jeez! Why didn't you listen?" in outraged before throwing herself dramatically on the floor and Tyler was throwing popcorn at the screen yelling, "YOU SUCK!"
"Yes. It gets worse during the play-offs," her father told me. I wasn't sure what worse meant. Did she start trashing furniture?
"You know they win that game right?" I informed Lexi, and laughed a little, especially when that deserved me a cushion straight in the face.
"Yes Mister Know-It-All, I am well informed of it, but I still think my tactic advice always helps them win in the end," Lexi told me.
"Good thing you aren't a cheerleader at school, otherwise you'd give the coach a heart-attack with all your screaming."
I didn't want my mind to go there, but it totally went there... and by there I meant, was she a screamer?
"Don't you have somewhere to be? A party to attend? Alcohol to drink? Girl to fuck?"
"We don't say fuck in the living room Lexi," her dad chastised her at the exact same time that her crazy brother screamed, "YOU FUCKING WUSS! KNOCK THE SHIT OUT OF HIM!"
The face of true disgrace that their dad made after that was a pure treasure.
Like I was going to go anywhere else that evening? "Actually, no. I'm pretty comfortable here," I gladly informed her, making myself more comfortable on the couch.

The Smirking Jerk (Blake's POV)
Teen Fiction"I'm in love with you." How many times would I have to think about this, how many times, before she could hear it, feel it, see it in my eyes? "I'm in love with you." How could I make her see without telling her, without scaring her off... without l...