Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

When I was eight years old, my brother bought me a CD player for my birthday so I could listen to my classical music whenever I wanted to, and mostly so he wouldn't have to listen to it too.

The thing is, I hated it. The first time I put the earphones on and played my music I actually started to hyperventilate. It was too much at the same time. I felt overwhelmed. Too much sounds, too much volume and not enough space to let it live. So, I hated my CD player. I hated how overwhelmed it made me feel. I hated the suffocating feeling I got of trapping the music, like it just existed within my ears and there was something fundamentally wrong with that. I couldn't even express it properly, but it just felt to me like music needed to play out loud in the open, not restricted and not trapped solely in my ears. But most of all, I hated it because it was just too much for my little heart to process. Too much raw music sent straight into my soul.

I've mostly gotten over it though, but the truth is, I still hate to trap the music and I still prefer playing out in a room, in the open—it's the main reason why my room is soundproof.

The reason why I was thinking about this right now was because the same feeling was slowly staring to creep up my chest, like there wasn't enough air to breathe.

Being trap in a room with Lexi, alone, was like trapping music in my ears. It was overwhelming.

The other day, when we'd been trapped in the Lamborghini together it had been different. For one thing, it was just so unbelievably impossible that I hadn't been able to ponder about the incredibility of it all. And the Lamborghini was a different ordeal. This, here, this was Lexi's room. The room where Lexi spent most of her days. The room where Lexi slept. The room where Lexi changed. The room where Lexi was entirely herself, without any kind of filter.

This was Lexi's space. And I was infiltrating it.

Lexi was waiting for an answer, looking completely lost and furious, so I pushed my thinking aside and told her with a grin on my face, "your brother let me in, told me you were upstairs."

"Of course he did," Lexi grumbled, her glare becoming even more menacing, but at least it wasn't aimed at me this time. "Excuse me for a sec," she said and walked around me and out of her room.

What was the girl doing? I followed her out and waited outside the door when she walked in Tyler's room. She started to move his TV and play with the wires. "What are you doing?" I asked, chuckling.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm stealing his PS3 as a punishment for letting the devil in," she answered me, sounding all riled up.

I wanted to laugh because I was reminded of the text conversation I had with her brother a little while back about selling his sister to the devil. I wasn't going to allow a chance to tease her though. "Ouch." I feigned being hurt. "I thought you'd be happy to see me."

"Yeah, right!" she replied, the PS3 finally unplugged and tucked securely under her arm. With her goal achieved, she left her brother's room and I kept following her. I liked following her around like this because I had an amazing view back here. Lexi had her hair tied in a bun and she was wearing yoga pants so I was torn between staring at her slender neck and her cute little ass. I understood why the school had a dress code that didn't allow yoga pants, because if Lexi came to school every day in yoga pants I'd probably be failing all of my classes, and basically just following her around.

After Lexi hid her brother's PS3 in the closet, I gathered all of my courage, got my mind out of the gutter and finally got the nerve to get to the point. "See, the thing is we never got to finish our little talk..." I trailed, and smirked at the Lexi's outrage expression.

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