Chapter 58
"Josh freaks me out a bit sometimes," Lexi told me, slipping from the back seat to the front seat.
It distracted me for like half a second, when it really shouldn't.
But now she was beside me, and all was right in the world.
I started to drive again.
"Tell me about it," I replied, rolling my eyes, and then added, "So. Eager to get back home?"
Lexi sighed, leaning her head back against the headrest. "Why thank you for the nice reminder."
"And think about how awkward it's going to be when you see them again," I went on, having fun.
Lexi narrowed her eyes at me, clearly not having as much fun. It was her brother she'd seen banging her best friend after all. That ought to be traumatizing. "I will punch you."
"You always do," I pointed out, chuckling.
And I wasn't exactly against it.
"Oh damn it. I don't wanna go home," Lexi suddenly admitted. "Why don't you just drop me off on the side of the road and I'll go for a road trip or something and come back home when Tyler goes to college."
I laughed at her panicking expression. "Poor Pumpkin. A little traumatized, aren't we?"
"A little? A whole effing lot actually," Lexi corrected, her voice rising.
I said the next words expecting nothing. "Well if you want you can come over to my place. I actually have a home theatre you know. I could make you watch Human Centipede."
Lexi seemed to think about it for a second.
I thought she'd turn me down right away.
I thought she'd say no and punch me.
I didn't think she'd look at me and say, "fine but we are not watching Human Centipede. Unless you pay me."
My heart started to beat faster for now reason.
Wait. Had she actually agreed to come back to my house, almost in the middle of the night?
Had I heard her right?
"Alright, no Human Centipede," I agreed, and squeezed the steering wheel tightly to keep from bouncing up and down on my seat.
I drove home in a bit of a daze, not sure what we should do when we did get there.
Usually when we hung out, we always had something specific to do, like homework.
We'd never really hung out without any purpose.
Should we really watch a movie?
Should I bring her in my room? In the middle of the night?
That couldn't be right.
Finally, I parked in front of my house, and got out, following a familiar path.
Lexi was heading the wrong way though, to the front door.
I shook my head at her.
"What?" she asked.
"I don't have the front key. I sort of never come through it that way when I get home late. I'd wake everyone up," I explained, making my way to the pool.
I always left the sliding door unlocked.
"So what? You sleep on the grass?" Lexi asked quietly, following me.

The Smirking Jerk (Blake's POV)
Teen Fiction"I'm in love with you." How many times would I have to think about this, how many times, before she could hear it, feel it, see it in my eyes? "I'm in love with you." How could I make her see without telling her, without scaring her off... without l...