Chapter 62

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Chapter 62

Lexi Grayson in my room in the middle of the night calling me daddy and it was not a dream. My brain could not compute.

Wait? Was this a dream? This was probably a dream. I'd fallen asleep on my couch reading my book, and this was my dream right now.

Yes, that totally made more sense than what was going on right now.

I'd jump on my feet squealing a "Jesus FUCK!" A knee jerk reaction, like this was a burglar rather than the love of my life.

And the love of my life was just smirking at me, saying, "actually, Jesus wasn't supposed to fuck."

This couldn't be real. This absolutely could not be real. When I asked her to come over, I had never thought she would actually do it. I'd hoped and dreamed, but the way you hoped and dreamed for something unattainable.

How was this happening right now?

How had she gotten in? She was in my room in the middle of the night and... ohmygod. Lexi Grayson was in my room in the middle of the night.

I smiled. "You came?"

And my Pumpkin just chuckled and said, "Careful Blake that's an innuendo right there and a big one at it."

I laughed, picking up the book I had dropped on the ground, needed to do something to not throw myself at her. I was a bad influence on my Pumpkin. I loved it.

"Yeah but it doesn't put me in a bad spot," I teased her.

"Touché," Lexi agreed, still smiling at me. "Now go to bed," she ordered.

I crossed my arms over my chest, and replied, "I'm not going to bed."

She wanted me to go to bed when she was there? She thought I could sleep with her in the room right now? She was out of her mind.

And she was looking at my chest. I was pretty sure of it. It was kind of obvious. I was kinda glad I hadn't been wearing a shirt.

"Listen to you. You sound like a three-year-old boy who doesn't want to go for nap time because he thinks he's old now. I'm not leaving you a choice," Lexi pressed, taking a few steps closer to me.

This really made no sense. Lexi wouldn't do something like this, would she? I'd been feeling like there was something brewing between us lately, but I never thought she'd do something like this. It didn't add up.

Yeah, this was a dream.

"Is this a dream?" I wondered out loud, "Because it really feels like the beginning of one, but usually I don't have the reflex action of thinking it's a dream so I'm guessing I'm not dreaming, but if I'm not dreaming, then what dimension did I travel to, to make you actually sneak into my bedroom in the middle of the night?"

"Stop thinking too much, you'll give yourself a nosebleed. Now, come on. Bed. Now," Lexi ordered me, pointing to my bed and then crossing her arms over her chest.

If this was really a dream, I would walk right up to her and I'd grab her by the waist, a hand behind her head and I'd pull her into me and press my lips against hers.

If this was a dream, I'd forget about that whole not kissing her next and waiting for her to kiss me. If this was a dream, I'd kiss her again.

I knew how she kissed, and I'd caught her by surprise before, in front of a whole classroom.

I wondered how she would kiss me if it was just me and her, alone in my room.

Would she kiss me back as feverishly as I felt right now?

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