Chapter 5
I wasn’t that late to my first class and seeing I had the highest grade, it wasn’t like the teacher could really scold me.
I quickly made my way to the back of the class and sat in my usual seat in the corner and took my books out slowly. It was no use though, because I wasn’t going to listen to the teacher, like I should to, and like I usually did—this was actually an interesting class—no I had other things on my mind. Well one thing—one person—on my mind.
Obviously, on top of thinking my name was Drake like that character from that Nickelodeon sitcom Drake & Josh, which is so ironic it’s almost actually funny especially since the Josh in that show was fat, Lexi also thought I was an idiot.
Well, that was fine, I could work with that. It’s not like I was a genius either way. I was kind of struggling in physic and in chemistry. I could totally use help in those classes. And if I wanted to get my college course credits in my European History AP class I needed to hand in a huge ass essay and I was sure Lexi could help me with that. I was thinking about writing something about WWII.
This would be an awesome way to force Lexi to spend more time with me. And it would also help my school curriculum. It was a double win. And I wouldn’t actually be forcing her to do something mean like wash my football gear for the rest of the year and wear my dirty jockstrap on top of her head while doing it.
Maybe I should just tell her that the price for helping her at the restaurant would be a kiss. This would be a double win for me, because for one thing her face would be absolutely priceless if I told her that. Also well, hey, a kiss from Lexi was pretty much the jackpot in my books. But kissing Lexi was also kind of like touching your elbows behind your back—kind of entertaining to see someone try, but impossible in the making.
I did find the prospect of kissing Lexi absolutely impossible. I wasn’t that stupid. Maybe I could spend some time with her, but making contact with her lips was like humans landing on Mars—I was going to need a few years, the perfect time to set things in motion and once I was gone, I was gone, there’d be no going back. I snorted out loud unintentionally—like there was any prospect of ever going back, I had been a Lexi goner for years now.
“Mister Eaton, you find something funny about rococo art?” the teacher asked me, making me jump a little on my seat. Busted.
I scratched the back of my head. “Naw, it’s not funny, tacky yes, funny no.”
The teacher raised her eyebrows. Damn it. “Tacky?”
Okay, so I had started this, I should go through with it. But seriously, the name itself just made it sound ridiculous. “Yes, tacky. Okay, it might not have been cheap, but it wasn’t good taste, it’s just a bunch of stuff thrown around.”
The sharp intake of breath she took made everyone in the class froze on their seats. “Rococo was elegant and fluid and—”
“And people were starving in France while the Château de Versailles was filled with crap,” I couldn’t help cutting her with. I had visited it when I had lived in France. Yes the place was absolutely breath taking but when you thought about it, it was also kind of ridiculous. Who needed that much gold? Seriously?
“The Château de Versailles was more baroque though Blake,” she tsked me. I was pushing my luck because I knew I could. I think Ms Graham liked me.

The Smirking Jerk (Blake's POV)
Teen Fiction"I'm in love with you." How many times would I have to think about this, how many times, before she could hear it, feel it, see it in my eyes? "I'm in love with you." How could I make her see without telling her, without scaring her off... without l...