Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

So, I was hopeless and ridiculous and of course in the many nights I had spent not sleeping I'd thought about a thousands of scenarios where I would be holding Lexi Grayson in my arms. I was pretty sure I had exhausted all possible scenarios in my head actually.

Never, in any of my daydreams had Lexi's father walked. I'd totally forgotten about her dad actually. After meeting her mother it was like I'd brushed off her father as some kind of inexistent creature.

I wasn't thinking about her dad. Why would I be? I never had to meet any dads before. I never had a girlfriend. Well, I mean, Kendall, sure, kind of, but I was pretty sure her dad never even figured out we went out at any point in our existence. Which was much better this way. I knew very well what he thought about our family. My brother's dead had broken his perfect little girl. My brother's death had taken his little girl away from him.

And I wouldn't have been able to argue with that. Jay's death had sort of killed Kendall at the same time. I loved my friend but a part of her had died with my brother. A part of me had died with him too. In some way I think the only reason why we ever tried to be together was because we thought that together we could bring back that part of us that had gone with Jay. But we were never going to get those people back, the same way we were never getting him back.

Why was I even thinking about this? Lexi's dad was staring at me with—well I don't know what kind of face, I didn't know the man. Maybe he was already thinking of an alibi to bury me in the backyard.

I was probably going to die tonight. And I was freaking out. And I was losing strength in my arm. And I was dropping Lexi...

Oh shit.

Lexi was staring up at me incredulous and I felt stupid has hell. Seriously? Should I just like, run away? Jump from the window. Pretend to faint? Oh! Start speaking in French and only in French.

Before I could say "Mon doux, qu'est ce que je fais ici? Je suis désolé, je dois sérieusement changer ma médication," Lexi started to laugh, laugh of all things.

"What the hell? Why'd you drop me?" she asked me and she seriously looked... amused? Maybe she was the one that should be changing her medication. This girl was way too confusing. One minute she was about to kill me the next she was amused with me.

And not only was she clearly amused with me, now she was... laughing. Her father had just walked into a room and there was some unknown boy holding her in his arms and the said unknown quite confused boy had just dropped her on her lovely butt and she was laughing?

Oh, oh, and her father wasn't taking out a shot gun, or grabbing me by the collar or screaming at me to get the hell away from his daughter. He was just leaning against her doorframe with a freaking grin on his face.

What. The...

I was dreaming all of this. This was the only logical explanation. This couldn't happen. For one thing, I couldn't even speak with Lexi so actually being in her room was waaaaay too farfetched.

"Where did you find this one, kid?" Lexi's father asked, grinning. Grinning. I would never figure out these Graysons. Seriously...

"Cheap deal on Craig's List," Lexi told her father and laughed. Laughed! What was happening here? Why was I suddenly amusing? I just couldn't comprehend what was happening. I had to be in some sort of alternate reality. Or I was dreaming. Yeah definitely dreaming.

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