Chapter 3
The funny thing now, was that I had to drive back to the restaurant. I had to meet my mother, who was probably freaking the crap out. I prayed that Lexi’s mother would be gone so she wouldn’t see me and she wouldn’t realize the whole thing had been a scam.
I drove fast, parked in the same spot I had, and tried to walk in there as discreetly as I could. The hostess gave me a funny look though. Oh well.
Scanning the crowd, I quickly spotted my mother and father, sitting together. My mother was worked up, I could easily see it. She was biting her nails and looking around her like a trapped wild animal.
“Chill out mom, if I killed myself, you’d know. I’d go down with a boom and take down as many fuckers as I could,” I informed her, as I sat in the empty chair opposite to them, grinning.
“Don’t use that kind of language at the table Blake,” mom gasped, but I could see in her eyes that she wasn’t really mad. I think the fact that I was grinning was drastically changing her mood actually—for the better that was. My father on the other hand, glared a little at me. I was used to it though. My father always had this kind of intimidating vibe about him, and I think he liked it. Either way, it didn’t faze me anymore.
I grabbed the menu and scanned through it. This was supposedly an Italian restaurant, but it served very different things from what I had been accustomed while travelling in Italy. At the same time, I kind of tried to hide behind it, because Lexi’s mom was still there, eating with her boyfriend. It amazed me that she didn’t seem faze at all by the whole altercation that had gone on just a few minutes ago. She was just give googley eyes to her beau. And not paying attention to anything around, which was to my advantage.
I could feel my mother scrutinious gaze on me, so I wasn’t surprised when she asked, “So, how was the drive?”
I thought about it for a second. “Very rewarding,” Very very rewarding actually.
“Care to elaborate.” She pressed.
Part of me though about just sighing and ignoring her. Another part of me took control and made me set down the menu on the table, stared straight in my mother eyes and let whatever remnant accent I had left from the mother land set in. “Mother, are you familiar with the song Lady in Red by Chris De Burgh? A song for the generations, really.”
“Our son is high.” Dad said to mom, snorting hauntingly, and then turned to me. “What did you take?”
I sniffed Lexi’s hair. I hadn’t but it would have been kind of hilarious to answer that. And I wasn’t about to answer I’m just high on life, because that was too much like Josh when he was on the down side of a sugar rush. “Lamborghini fume.”
Dad shook his head. “Maybe I should give you that care then.”
I grinned and nodded. Mom didn’t look convinced. “Maybe you should. And maybe you two should stop worrying about me. Live a little.”
“You’re telling us to live a little?” my father asked, incredulous.
“Christopher” mom chastised him.
I picked up my menu again, like my job had been done here and I could move on to more important things, like eating.
The rest of the dinner went uneventfully. There was a lot of useless chatter and talk about my future which were absolutely irrelevant. My plan was on hiding in my room forever and inheriting of everything, and then living there as an old creepy hermit, kids would tell scary tales about. Obviously, I didn’t voice that out. I was honestly blow away by the fact that Lexi’s mother never even noticed me. I swear, at one point she had even passed right in front of our table—Lexi probably got her unobservantness from her.

The Smirking Jerk (Blake's POV)
Teen Fiction"I'm in love with you." How many times would I have to think about this, how many times, before she could hear it, feel it, see it in my eyes? "I'm in love with you." How could I make her see without telling her, without scaring her off... without l...