Chapter 61

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Prior to this evening, I had no idea really, what Lexi and her friends did together to have fun. Sure, I'd hung out with some of them or all of them on occasion at the Dump Creek for example, but there were usually other people, and I was never invited in their little inner circle.

            So, I didn't exactly know their dynamic when they were just the four of them together. I always thought there would be some awkwardness, or maybe even troubles when Lexi and Alex were out together. They used to date. I saw the aftermath of their break-up.

            It hadn't been pretty.

            So, even if I knew that they were still friends, and even if Lexi had told me herself that she didn't even think that she'd ever truly loved Alex, I still had a hard time figuring out how they could be on friendly terms all the time.

            I knew I'd be a complete mess if I had dated Lexi and she had broken up with me. I wouldn't want to be in the same room as her.

            But as I often realized lately, I was really clueless about a lot of things when it came to Lexi.

            Here I was sitting on bleachers, surrounded by Lexi and her friends and I couldn't see the crack in their friendship even with all their history.

            They were, joking together and goofing around and for a second I was a little jealous of this complicity, which was kind of ridiculous because I also had a group of close friends, and heck I considered Tyler one of my closest friends at this point and I'd taken him out on outings with Josh already, so I dind't know why I felt slightly jealous of this complicity.

            Maybe it had something to do with the fact that I would never know Lexi the way her friends knew her. They had inside jokes and anecdotes and secrets they shared together. They had years of being bestfriends. I had barely weeks of being tolerated by Lexi Grayson.

            I sat there joking with them and laughing at the jokes and at their crazy antics, but I also felt a little sad that however close I could get with Lexi, I would never have those years with her.

            We were just done singing Beatles songs and goofing around at this point, when Lexi looked over at me with caring eyes and suddenly said, "we should all head home now at least Blake, you should go to sleep."

            Was I clashing too much with their fun? Was this why everyone was agreeing that I should go to sleep?

"But if I leave, you leave. I'm your lift home," I pointed out, but then my treacherous mouth yawned, actually making Lexi yawn back. 

Gosh, I really needed to stop doing this. I was dead tired. I was completely exhausted. I shouldn't be looking for issues when there were none.

"I think you need to just head home. No need to take a detour to drop me off. Vanessa and Tyler are sort of going at the same place as me," Lex pointed out.

I was really ridiculous for being disappointed that I wouldn't have another car ride with Lexi, but she was right. I shouldn't be driving her back home. I was so tired. It was probably safer for her to not be in a car with me right now.

Maybe I really shouldn't be driving. Maybe I should be going home with Lexi and cuddle all night long with her.

I was sure I would have a good night sleep if I did.

"And what if I fall asleep while driving?" I replied.

"Want me to drive your car and have someone drive me back home afterward?" Lexi offered.

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