Chapter 8
Since I had been a nuisance in most of my classes today, instead of getting in late yet again, I headed straight for my literature class after getting out of the library. I was the first to get in and got a seat right in front of where Lexi usually sat. I knew she'd throw another tantrum when she would see this. I was kind of looking forward to it. It was kind of a turn on. And my deviance really had no limits.
To occupy myself I got my phone out of my pocket and texted Emily.
I won't be able to come running with you after class this afternoon—I got detention. -_- -B
I got an answer a few seconds later. No worries. If you manage to sweet talk your way out of it, like you usually do, I'll be running at our usual spot. ;) –E
I smiled at her answer. She was right. Usually, Mrs Bull or not, I could sweet talk my way out of most situations. But it was different this time because Lexi also had detention with me and as I had pointed out numerous times, there was no limit to the things I could do to spend any length of time with the girl. Maybe I should really go see a shrink like Josh constantly advised me to deal with that whole obsession thing.
Since I was in happy mood and thinking about Josh and my obsession, it reminded me of the songs Josh had put on a mixtape a few months back named Stalker anthem. I'd been a little pissed at the beginning but the Stalker anthem was little league play in comparison to Josh's 101 Ways Why Blake Eaton Sucks at Life a video compilation of every embarrassing moments he could get of me. So I could accept the mixtape. It wasn't like I wasn't a stalker after all.
So, because I was a lunatic in a happy mood and because I was sure Lexi and I had been flirting, kind of, earlier in the library I started to sing, alas quite pathetically, Hello by Lionel Richie. Vatsana, a girl who shared all of my AP classes—actually I think she took all of the AP classes, that girl was an AP beast—walked into the classroom while I was singing "I long to see the sunlight in your hair, and tell you time and time again, how much I care." She looked at me like I was Mr. Furlough in our Literature class last year who had asked her if she could read the Chinese characters that went with a poem and she had told him that her parents were from Laos. That kind of a moron.
"Hey, don't look at me like that, just think about the fact that the more erratic I act, the more chances you have of taking my spot in Harvard," I told her with a grin.
She rolled her eyes at me. "I took that spot from you a long time ago, around the time you started to scream "I object" to everything the Sociology teacher said you didn't approve." I chuckled at the memory. In my defence, his last name was Judge.
"I think Harvard would appreciate my straightforwardness and tactfulness. If Ellie Wood could get into Harvard so can I," I answered proudly.
"That." She pointed at me shaking her head. "That statement alone is the reason why you'll never get in."
I pressed my palm against my heart. "I'm hurt by your lack of faith."
She laughed, and sat in front.
I started to hum Under Your Spell by Desire and then moved on to making the beats of Obsessed with You by The Orion Experience with my pencils when Lexi walked into the class.
Her reaction was immediate—she scowled my way the second she saw me, and then hit me in the face with her bag as she passed my desk. Seriously, that was a lot of manhandling for just one day.

The Smirking Jerk (Blake's POV)
Roman pour Adolescents"I'm in love with you." How many times would I have to think about this, how many times, before she could hear it, feel it, see it in my eyes? "I'm in love with you." How could I make her see without telling her, without scaring her off... without l...