Chapter 94

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Chapter 94

It was a dreamless sleep, but that was okay, because my dreams had been answered in the real world. I didn't need to dream about anything anymore.

Lexi was snuggled in my arms, and I had her head tucked under my chin.

And when I finally woke up, Lexi was already awake, looking up at me, like she was as happy as I was that we were in each other's arms.

Lexi was looking at me with sleepy eyes, smiling. My heart was about to burst right then and there. "Feeling better?" I asked.

"A tiny bit," she replied gently, breathing softly, like she was still worried she might throw up. "So, what exactly happened last night..." she asked, her head on my chest, making a point to not look at me, I assumed out of embarrassment. "After the Tabasco shooter, it's kind of all really blurry."

"You don't remember?" I asked, a little amused. A little disappointed too. I'd rather she remembered every moment we spent together.

"I'm very, very worried," she whispered.

As she'd said those words, I could see her finally putting pieces of last night together, and starting to freak out properly again.

I shouldn't let her create the worst-case scenario in her head.

It hadn't been that bad.

"Don't worry, nothing happened, I'm a gentleman," I assured her, but then added, "But trust me, things could have gone really bad if I hadn't run away and locked myself in the bathroom."

"Oh god..."

"Do you still want to bake cookies on my abs?" I asked, teasing her. She'd mentioned that at one point of the evening. She'd mentioned a lot of things that made me blush more than I cared to admit actually.

"Shut up Blake," she whined, hiding her face, pressed against my neck.

"You love me," I just replied, because I needed to hear her say it again. I'd never get tired of hearing her saying this.

"Yeah, I do," she admitted, not fighting me on this the way she usually did. Because she actually loved me. Unbelievably. Miraculously. "Why am I wearing this?" she then asked, grabbing the sleeve of my shirt on her.

"You took a shower because you said you were covered with booze. Mind you, I offered to lick it off but you said that as long as you couldn't lick my chest I couldn't either," I pointed out.

Honestly, her obsession with my chest was very amusing, but it was also going to be the death of me. She was like a shark with a target.

I wasn't going to survive the attack if she kept this up.

Lexi suddenly sat up, making me jump a little in surprise. "What the hell? You mean you never even let me lick your goddamn chest!?"

I thought she was freaking because of what happened for a second, and not because she hadn't actually licked my chest, like she'd been dreaming of.

My Pumpkin really had her priorities straight.

I smirked at her, kinda enjoying this. "You were drunk."

"And?" she pressed, like that didn't matter at all.

"Well, I thought you'd prefer remembering it, since it seemed like a big thing for you," I teased her again, and then just because I had issues, and I kinda enjoyed messing with her, I lifted my shirt saying, "so now you can."

All of her attention was now on my chest. Everything else probably didn't matter anymore, at this specific moment.

It was... quite amusing really.

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