Chapter 69

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Chapter 69

I was waiting by the fire with the guys, for Pumpkin and Janna to join us before we left for the trails.

It felt like I was waiting for my girlfriend to go on a date with her.

I definitely wasn't complaining.

Finally, Lexi walked out of the camp and I could see her skipping on her way to us.

I looked down, chuckling to myself, tucking my chin in my hoodie, trying to keep my joy a little bottled up.

Lexi was just skipping around with a smile and my whole heart felt like it was about to burst.

Jesus, I was hopeless.

The sky was gray and there was a light shower of rain, nothing to have us hide under a tree, but enough to make the day damp, but honestly, I felt like drunk Lexi singing and dancing to Singin' in the Rain. I could probably break into a dance at any moment.

"Ready for our walk Miss Grayson," I told Lexi once she'd stopped, right in front of me, grinning, her hoodie over her curly hair. The damp weather was making her curlier.

Too adorable for my poor heart.

"You sound like you're about to take your dog out for its mandatory walk," Lexi laughed, grabbing my hoodie, shaking me a little.

It was too close to the way she might grab me if she wanted to pull me in for a kiss.

I just looked down at her smiling.

"Who's a good girl, who's a good girl," I crooned, and went to tickle her under her chin like a good pet.

She pushed me hand away, laughing along with me.

It all felt too natural, too nice.

It was bound to bite me back in the ass, right?

"Alright, let's goooooo," the twins announced together and our little group comprised of them, me and Lexi, Dwayne and Janna, Daphnee and Davis left for the trails.

I was at the front of our little group, like I knew where I was going.

My friends were joking around and chatting together while I was trying to keep my heart under control.

Suddenly Lexi caught up with me, and jumped in a puddle when she did, splashing me and herself in the process.

I chuckled at her cute antics while she was grinning like a proud kid. "Two-year-old Lexi?" I teased her.

For some reason, I was thinking about when I was younger and walking in the forest with my brother and Josh, running around thinking were going to move in the wild.

The memories made me smile, along with Lexi's contagious laugh.

And now my Pumpkin was taking every opportunity she had to jump in water puddles, splashing everyone in the process, and completely ruining her shoes.

Those were definitely not water proof.

I hoped she had another pair.

I tried to dodge her a few times in the beginning, but gave up quickly. This seemed to amused my Pumpkin, and I didn't really care about coming back with muddy and wet pants. I'd brought enough clothes to change.

"Why don't you just sit in the puddles Lex, it'll do the same thing but faster," Davis teased her.

"Hey, I'm having fun, alright?" she replied with a pout, and kept jumping from puddle to puddle.

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