Chapter 96

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Chapter 96

"So?" Josh said, kinda standing there with his hands on his hips.

"So what?" I asked, rolling my eyes.

Josh grinned. I was worried. "So, what did you want to talk about?"

I narrowed my eyes. "What do you mean, talk about?"

"Well, I'm here, aren't I?"

"Josh, I love you, but right now, you're not needed here."

Josh completely ignored my comment and went on talking. "My pancakes are disappointing. I made the batter a little too runny and I didn't want French crepes, I wanted fluffy pancakes. So yeah. I'm disappointed. Like, they're fine, I'm a marvelous cook unlike you Blake, but it's just not what I wanted."

"For the love of god, just put some god damn clothes one," I whined.

"Yes, please Josh, put some clothes on. Give our eyes a chance," Lexi agreed with me, still sitting beside me on my bed.

"I'm giving your eyes a feast, that's what I'm doing."

"Put some clothes on or I'm throwing you out of my room."

"Oh yeah? I'd like to see you try? I'm naked babes. How you wanna grab me and throw me out?"

I went to my wardrobe, grabbed clothes and threw them right in his face.

"Jealous Lexi? Now you're not the only one wearing his clothes," Josh told her smugly, while putting them on.

"Yeah, noooo."

"You said yeah first. Got it. It's fine. I understand. But you're going to have to learn to share babes. He was mine before he was yours."

"Josh," I whined again.

"Yes, moan my name," he replied automatically, kinda moaning that answer, really.

"Fuuuucking hell."

He wiggled his eyebrows. "Yes, love it when you talk dirty."

And so rest of the day was pretty much spent with us trying to get rid of Josh, and Josh basically letting us know he wasn't going anywhere.

I had half a second where I thought "would that be how it feel to have children," but squashed that as soon as it formed.

I needed to seriously chill.

I tried to steer the conversation into the direction of what had happened to his clothes many times, and more specifically if a Beatles loving girl had anything to do with it, but Josh was having none of it.

Which probably meant I was right.

If it was anything else, he would have been happy to brag about the random reason.

The dude had gone to a town meeting once to try to convince people to advocate for cat human marriages. And when that hadn't worked, he'd went the next time for dolphin human marriages.

He was blacklisted from town meetings now actually.

So yeah. Something was definitely up with Lexi's hippie friend.

When Josh finally left because he actually had things to do other than mock us, I told Lexi I would drive her home.

I could have not offered though, and just kept it here forever.

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