Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

I was driving to Lexi's house again. And it wasn't because I was going to go full on stalker and just park on the other side of the street and play peeping tom. I was actually going to spend more time with Lexi alone.

I hadn't completely alienated her after the trip the Creek.

Everything about this felt so odd.

It wasn't the first time I'd been to the Creek while Lexi was there.

I had never tried to ride in the same car with her there, but it had happened a couple of times before. She had always ignored me in the car and at the Creek.

She had interactions with me, but the way you interact with home appliances or someone that clears up your table at the restaurant, but doesn't take your order. You just, don't really notice that they're there, and you don't have any kind of particular feeling about them.

I never knew what was worse, when she completely ignored me like that, or when she yelled at me, calling me every bad name in the book.

Lexi had a special talent at completely destroying me without making any kind of effort.

I parked in front of her house, trying to not get my hopes up, trying not to make scenarios in my head where I was part of Lexi's life and spending an afternoon with her was just something normal.

I walked I knocked on the front door.

Tyler's beaming face greeted me. "BLAKINA! RAVAGE ME!" he yelled throwing himself in my arms.

"There's something fundamentally wrong with you."

"Love is never wrong Blakina, love is never wrong," he said dramatically, kinda tearing up, grabbing my face with one hand, squishing my cheeks.

"I don't even know what to say."

"Then don't say anything, just give in," he told me making kissy sounds at me.

"Eventually, you're probably going to meet my friend Josh, and once you do, I'm not sure what kind of fragment in reality it's going to cause, but it's going to be like, nuclear force." They were a similar kind of weird. It would definitely be interesting.

Tyler shook my face. Ow. "HOW DARE YOU TALK ABOUT OTHER BOYS!"

I rolled my eyes and swatted his hand away. "Is your sister here?"

"She's sleeping upstairs. I tried to wake her up earlier to offer food, but she wouldn't budge. Have fun," he said, and stepped away from the door, motioning for me to get inside.

"You want me to wake her?" I snorted, not convinced. "She's going to kill me."

"Potentially. You're going to the library?"

"Yeah," I frowned confused by the turn of the conversation.

"You should be extra annoying, I think she'll need the distraction."


"We used to go all the time... you know, with Mom," he trailed, not needed to explain more.

"Oh. Maybe we should skip it then," I answered automatically. I wasn't going to bring up hurtful memories for her.

Tyler shook his head. "No, it'll be good for her. She hasn't gone in a while. I'm pretty sure it's because of that. You forcing her to go there is good for her."

I looked at the youngest Grayson, feeling grateful for him. I wasn't the only one who should be. "One day your sister is going to have to know everything you did for her."

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