Chapter 48
The party was already full-blown when we got to Tiffany's house.
People were gathered around the backyard, drinking alcohol that had been acquired illegally by Tiffany's older brother, or was being taken from her parent's cabinets without permission.
All the guys were celebrating our win, and you could feel everyone's enthusiasm as music blasted outside.
Most people gathered around the bonfire, but some were also in the house.
It was already a little chaotic.
We'd all gone to the party in different cars, so I had no idea where Lexi was right now.
I was pretty sure she was going to come to the party though. She had said she was.
It was a little surprising because usually she skipped the parties. She even fled the ones that happened at her own house when her sister was still around.
I wasn't complaining about having her here tonight. Honestly if it wasn't for the fact that she was going to be there, I might have skipped it with the way my head was pounding.
Suddenly, like my body was wired to spot Lexi Grayson in a crowded place, I spotted her, making her way to the fire. She was looking around her, like she was lost.
I made my way to her.
"Looking for me Pumpkin?" I asked, coming up behind her.
Lexi turned around, smirking at me a little. "Get over yourself."
I laughed. "It's an old one Pumpkin, I'm sure you can come up with something better."
"I have more taste than that?" she offered making a cute face.
"Please, nothing is better than that," I told her and made a swooping motion towards my body.
Sometimes I really wondered where my misplaced confidence came from.
"Stop feeding that big ego of yours," she replied, snorting.
I laughed again, and that was when Alex came up to her, handing her a red plastic cup with booze.
I was proud of myself that I did not glare at Alex.
It was wasted energy.
Lexi had said she didn't love him. I was going to trust her words.
"So Blake, was it Alex's fault that bad move in the beginning, or was it yours?" Lexi asked us.
It was mostly Alex's fault, but I wasn't going to throw him under the bus. We were still a team.
"We don't talk about the game plays with outsiders," Alex told Lexi, kinda chuckling nervously.
"Meaning you dropped it?" Lexi said, smugly.
"Meaning it's both our fault," I replied, still trying not to deliberately undermine her friend. After all, football was a team effort.
"Now, now, if you two suck, then we're not going to win games, I hope you know that?" Lexi warned, and drank from her cup.
I kept the naughty comment I thought about for myself and instead said, "we'll practice."
Clark decided to start screaming for my attention at this moment and because I didn't want him to come over here and annoy Lexi or say something totally uncalled for, like he often did, I reluctantly left Lexi and went to see him.
"What's up?" I asked him.
He already stank like alcohol. "So, who's your target tonight, so I'll know who's already claimed?" he asked me, looking proud of himself.

The Smirking Jerk (Blake's POV)
Teen Fiction"I'm in love with you." How many times would I have to think about this, how many times, before she could hear it, feel it, see it in my eyes? "I'm in love with you." How could I make her see without telling her, without scaring her off... without l...