Chapter Two
I was going a hundred miles per hour on the quiet roads of this shitty town to get back home and go punch something.
I parked my car in its space and ran inside. I didn't even bother to look if anyone was home. I just ran to my room. I walked to my stereo and put my music as loud as my ears could endure.
I grabbed a lamp and crashed it against the wall. And then I started to throw my books from my shelves everywhere.
FUCKING BOOKS! Why aren't you helping me!?
I wanted to crash everything. I wanted to destroy everything. I felt like I could rip someone apart right now...
WHY!? Why did my brother have to die? Why did my parents have to decide we move to this stupid town? Why did I have to be in the same school as her, in the same class? Why couldn't she see me? Why couldn't she care about me? Why did she have to say all those things to me? Why did she have to break over and over again my already broken heart? Why couldn't I be happy for just one moment? Was it really so much to ask?! To be happy?
God, I would have given anything to be Alexander, to hang with her, listen to her rambling, spend time with her, having her look at me the way she looked at him...
Why couldn't I have that?
Someone yelled my name over the music before I could throw on the ground one pricey edition of The Great Gatsby. I ran to my stereo and shut down the volume while my mother looked at me with reprimanding but sad eyes. I was kind of used to that look by now.
"What's wrong?" she asked me, with her let's-not-frightened-the-baby-deer kind of voice.
"I don't want to talk about it..." I answered her and raised my eyes to the ceiling so the tears that were building up in my eyes would just stay where they fucking were and not move from their fucking spot!
My mom took another tentative step towards me and then she raised her hand and placed it on my shoulder.
"I wish I could make everything better..." she whispered and I looked into her eyes and I felt bad for making her feel bad, but seriously it's not like I wanted to feel like shit, I just did.
I sighed, running my hands through my hair. "I know you do mom..."
And as always, I was hit by the thought that I should have been the one in the car instead of Jayden. I should have died instead of him. Jayden wouldn't hurt mom with his sulkiness. Jayden would make everyone smile and happy. He would know what to do. Lexi would've loved Jayden. Like everyone else. Jayden would know what to say...
God, I missed my brother...
"You know what?" my mother suddenly exclaimed, "take the Lamborghini. Go for a ride. Then meet me at that Italian restaurant close from the gallery and we can eat together with your father and we'll go see the exposition after."
She had got me at Lamborghini.
"Thanks mom," I said in a rush and then I hugged her and ran to the stairs.
"You'll have to clean up afterwards," she yelled behind me but I wasn't listening anymore. I had a car to drive and a speed limit to go over.
After an amusing ride, and awkward conversation with a woman police officer, a crumbled piece of paper with her number on it, and a lot of self-pity, I parked in the farthest corner to not get a bump and then walked in the restaurant.

The Smirking Jerk (Blake's POV)
Teen Fiction"I'm in love with you." How many times would I have to think about this, how many times, before she could hear it, feel it, see it in my eyes? "I'm in love with you." How could I make her see without telling her, without scaring her off... without l...