Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

I woke up absolutely not rested the next morning. The pillow wasn't comfortable and the mattress was too hard for my old-man back, and I slept the way one does when they're somewhere unfamiliar and they're not used to it.

I felt all tense, and like I'd just closed my eyes.

Still, I got up on my feet and headed out of my painting shack and back inside to take a shower and eat something before going to school.

I probably should have stayed home and slept more. It wasn't like I was going to miss some crucial moment of education if I didn't go to class today.

But Lexi Grayson was going to be there and I would be damned if I was going to miss any precious seconds, I could have with her.

Because I thought about the future sometimes... like the fact that this was our senior year and that next year she was probably going to go off to college and if our relationship stayed anything like it had been so far, I'd probably only see her again at our high school reunion in ten years.

I sort of dreaded that moment. Even if we were getting along now, sort of, it wasn't necessarily going to be enough to keep in touch with her if we weren't sharing the same classes five days per week.

As soon as high school would be over, all my chances would be gone.

I'd resigned myself over that fact.

I got ready and left for school like a ghost on auto pilot.

I was going to need a nap at some point, I realized, as I walked into school.

When I saw Lexi, I had the sudden urge to be back in the tent, sleeping comfortably with her in my arms.

I walked up to her, and with more confidence that I knew I had, I leaned my head against the top of hers and closed my eyes contently.

"What the...?" Lexi started to say, confused and turned around, effectively ruining my comfortable spot.

"Hey, don't move, I was trying to sleep here," I whined and rubbed my eyes.

"Someone looks like hell," Lexi said with a smug little smile and turned back to her locker to open it.

"Right back at you Pumpkin. You almost have the same hair as Troy Polamalu," I teased her.

Unsurprisingly, I was rewarded with bodily arm. Lexi slapped my arm, a little pout on her face. "Bite me, you big meanie."

"Is that an invitation?" I asked. I wasn't against it.

"Wow, still tired you manage to turn everything I say, proud of you Blakey-Boy," Pumpkin said, and rolling her eyes at me.

"Thanks," I laughed and followed her to our first class together.

It was kind of strange. We walked side by side, but Lexi wasn't complaining or insulting me. She kept giving me sideways smiles actually.

Did she want to give me a heart attack this early in the morning? She should give my poor heart a break. It was already beating weirdly because of the lack of sleep.

"If I fall asleep you have the right to give me a flick or something," I told Lexi when we were sitting in class.

"Seriously? You sure you wanna offer this? Because I could easily take advantage of the situation," Lexi warned me with a cheeky little smile.

"I guess I'm just going to have to trust you," I replied.

"Might not be the best idea," Lexi said, still with that cheeky grin.

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