Chapter 12: The warning

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September ended with a cold week of rain and October passed as quickly as it came. Encounters between Maeve and I slow down. After the lake, classes got more intense and the gatherings also became more rare.

I kept teasing her, watching her over her books in the library. Her hair pulled in a bun in potions, her neck exposed. She sometimes catches me watching her, we exchange smiles, but I can never find her alone.

She's something I can't seem to get over. I like her. Her body, the way she feels. The way I feel.

Her innocence makes me crave her more. I want more.

The air is different, things are palpably more tense. More talk of vigilance and safety find the mouths of students and professors. More disappearances, more killings and unnatural things happened over the last month. A midst of darkness and fog cover every wall of the castle, even in daytime.

My parents being what they are, the people they know and their relation to the Dark Lord I had more insights to what was happening. Over the summer I heard a few hushed conversations from my parents. They mainly talked about me and my own safety. I am not involved in their business. I tried to overhear their conversations just to keep myself informed.

November is bitter. Wind and rain abundant in the air.

I am sitting at a table, early on a Saturday morning, drinking my tea staring blankly at the hall filling up. As posts arrives one small green envelope falls on my plate. I look up cursing, checking for splashes of food on my shirt.

I don't need to check the sender to know it's from home. The green envelopes are my mother's signature.

"Dear Draco.

I hope this letter finds you happy and well.

I write to you, to ask you to be careful during your time at Hogwarts. I ask you please, to be safe.

I would also like to let you know that we will be hosting a ball here at home over the Christmas period. It is tradition for Slytherin families to attend, and this year you father has proposed to host this event. This will mean we will be joined by some distant relatives who prolong their stay after the ball to stay with us over the Christmas period.

For now I want keep a vigilant look out. You are old enough to understand the dangers of these times. We are being watched, all our moves monitored.

I cannot believe it hasn't even been three months, I cannot wait to have you back home.

Your father and I miss you infinitely.

Your loving mother.


The letter moves something in me, as if all of a sudden I came back to reality and truly take in what is happening. 'We are being watched'. The sentence hovers in my head and wrenches my guts.

A Slytherin ball? I have heard about those some years ago. They used to have those before Voldemort lost his powers.

I look around me, Maeve is now sitting in her usual spot, surrounded by Blaise, Aria and Isy.

Maeve is reading a letter herself. Her eyes were screwed up in concentration. She looks bothered.

I have practice this morning and have to change before going down to the pitch. I check the time. the clock signs 9:00 am. I have to go.


I am close to the dungeons stairs, the castle quiet, all students now in the great hall, or still sleeping. I hear a small voice calling me.

I turn and smile, the sight of her making me feel calmer.

"Hey" I whisper, walking back, towards to her.

She doesn't speak.

I smirk and take her arm, pulling her to come with me, down the stairs into the Slytherin corridor.

It's silent, dark. I pull her behind one of the many corners, into a shadow. I know there's a room here. My hand reaches behind me, trying to find the handle.

I feel her heart pounding in her chest, her body lifting and falling in my arm.

I open the doors after seconds of struggle. I pull her and let her go for a moment. I see her eyes widening, amazement plastered on her face. My lips curling to the side.

"What is this place?"

"A secret place"

I found this place in my third year. It's an empty room covered in large windows, letting in the brightest green shimmer of light. The morning light enhancing its brilliance.

I turn to her, pulling her closer to me once more. My hands hold her as I pull her against one of the walls. Gently let her go as I place my hands over her, covering her fully. I watch her flushing, before diving again, for her lips.

"I like you. A lot" I moan.

I feel her lips with mine. Hovering over them. Leaving kisses on them. I close my eyes as I feel her grabbing my arm.

I lower my hands on her open jumper, moving it to the side. My fingertips unbuttoning her shirt.

I slide it off of her, exposing her shoulder. I pull down the sleeve of her bra. I hear her breath in.

I lower my head to kiss her, a fading reddened mark over where the sleeve was resting.

My lips guide me down to her collar. I come back up for her.

I push my tongue in her mouth. A soft moan escapes her, but she moves back. I see her lowering her eyes to my belt, her hands raising up to it.

Her cold fingertips brushing on my body as she places her hands on me, slowly.

I want to let her.

"Maeve" I breathe.

Her hands stop moving. She looks up at me, her eyes shimmering.

I cup her cheek as I move hair behind her ear. I smile at her, leaning to kiss her forehead.

I bring my lips to her ear.

"Not like this"

"Draco" She moans.

"I have practice." I chuckle.

She looks defeated. I smile, leaning closer to kiss her forehead. Her lips.


I reach the quidditch pitch about half an hour later, walking through a mound of students lining up for the Hogsmeade visit.

I have been to a couple, it was good to leave Hogwarts for a while sometimes. But now I had to start focusing on Quidditch more.

I look for Maeve in the crowd. She isn't here. Her absence makes me wonder why she isn't going today. Maybe she'll be alone in the comms all day. Maybe I could even have some time with her alone.

I get to the pitch and practice begins.


I am absolutely freezing as we get back to the castle. All I want is a hot shower and some rest. Might even catch up on some homework. Quiddich is getting tougher and tougher as the year proceeds. The ice and sleet covers everything. The air is mean and bitter as we flew and now I can barely feel my hands. 

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