Chapter 56: Obsession

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Draco's words still echoing in my head, I enter the room to find Aria, Isy getting ready for bed, Pansy already tucked in, reading a book.

I never really figured out if she was was aware of Draco's move on her, maybe for once she actually did something decent just to help. I never bothered to ask, neither did I ever really care.

I rush to my trunk, still unpacked, and get a change of clothes. I dig deeper in the pile of bundled mess and find exactly what I am looking for. Holding the coin in my hands I get to the bathroom and lock myself in. I let the water run while taking off my clothes, falling on the floor, piece by piece.

I walk in the shower, the hot water making goosebumps appear on my skin. I close my eyes and throw my head back under the streak of water.

The image of Draco on me flashes in my mind. Obsessing over the thought of his smell, his body over mine.

My hands quickly following my desperate need of feeling him, now on my stomach, feeling my chest up again. The burning water hitting my body.

I feel the goosebumps slowly fading over my belly, lowering to reach my clit. I let my fingers play as he would. Allowing my fingertips inside me, and pulling them out, letting my wetness drip on them. The coin feel hotter in my hand now. I grip it into a fist, resting it on the wall for support, as my fingers slowly enter my body again.

My breathing quickens, as my eyes close.

I think of the way he feels on my skin. The way his hands touch me. I think of the way his pupils widen as he looks at me, the way his breathing, his moans, sounds, his subtle scent of musk. His body, him, mine. His voice in the morning, the way his mouth curls as he smirks. I think of the first time he said he loved me.  He makes me go absolutely insane. The way he fixes my hair behind my ear, and how uneasy he used to make me feel when he would corner me in bathrooms and old classrooms. How naive I was.

My fingers are now faster, slipping in my wetness. The coin still hot.

I think of him, in his room. Just a second away, yet impossible to have. I think of him thinking of me. 

I take in a deep breath as my legs start to give in.

My eyes clutch even tighter as my arm starts to ache, the water now burning on my shoulders.

Then suddenly, almost unexpectedly I feel myself come undone, not feeling nearly as good he makes me. I slow down, retreating my hand, straightening up. My breathing quietens, my eyes open.

The coin is still burning.


That night sleep came easily. The coin never stopped emanating heat, and as I fell asleep, the thought of him thinking of me made everything feel safer.


On the first Saturday back here, Aria and I find ourselves surprised to see the great hall almost as full as if everything was back to normal.

We look at each other, slightly suspicious, but find our seats, in our usual spot in the middle of the table.

Draco already seated, him too, in his usual spot with the seventh years, Goyle and Crabbe.

I stare at him, talking casually, not eating, elbow on the table, resting his head on his hand.

As if my staring called his name, he turns immediately. Our eyes meet for a moment. A moment in which I can swear his mouth twitched in a smile.

"Hello?" Aria calls, clicking his fingers to grab my attention.


She follows my gaze, to find Draco now animatedly talking to Crabbe.

She sighs.

"Anyways, since Hogsmeade visits have been suspended, do you wanna do something today?" Her question brings me back to the present.

"Umh, yeah sure. What do you have in mind" I can't help but look back at him as I speak.

"I don't know. We could go down to the lake, it's not as cold today"

Eyes focused on her plate, stabbing the fruit on her table with her fork.


Nott and Blaise join us some moments later, finding seats in front of us, their voices sleepy as they greet us, filling their plate with fruit and porridge. Even the food got miserable ever since the new regime.

My eyes are constantly pulled towards him by an invisible force. But when I turn to look at him once more, my eyes can't find him.

Out of nowhere, a hand lands right beside my plate, a body inches from mine right behind me. I look up to find him leaning over me to speak to Blaise across the table.

"Hey, can you help me out with that essay later?"

What is he talking about?

I choke, my eyes blinking quickly taken aback as I feel his hand finding mine resting on my thigh, hidden under the table. He turns it over gently, opening it. He pushes a piece of paper in it.

"Umh... what essay are you talking about?" Blaise asks, completely unaware of what is happening.

"Never mind."

His hand leave the table, his body no longer on me. I look at Blaise, his face completely baffled.

I turn to Aria and realise she didn't fall for it, her raised eyebrows in amusement.

"What?" I mouth, trying to not be seen by the others, who are anyways too busy being disgusted by the plain porridge.

She shakes her head with a smile.

"I think I am gonna head back to the dorms and chill for a bit." I speak, standing up taking an apple from the fruit basket.

"I'll meet you there." She replies.

I wait to be far enough from everyone, walking down to the dungeons to finally open my hand.

The small piece of parchment is neatly folded in four. His handwriting forming a short message.

"Room of requirements. Make sure you are not followed."

My pulse quickens. This is completely insane.

But I retrace my steps, careful not to be seen. As I get to the sixth floor, just one floor to go, I stop to hide in the alcove of a window, take out my wand and point at myself to cast the disillusionment charm.

Making sure my body is completely transparent, I resume my walking up the last set of stairs.

I turn a corner to find him standing there, anxiously looking left and right.

I walk towards him, trying to not make a sound, but he senses me. He can hear me walking closer.

"Maeve?" He calls quietly.

I get closer, just a few steps from him, before pointing my wand at myself, breaking the spell wordlessly.

His eyes finally find focus in mine. A weak smile appears on his lips. Looking behind us he mutters something and once again, the door starts appearing right before us, never failing to amaze me.

Our eyes meet for fraction of a second, before his hand grabs mine, pulling me inside. 

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