A/E - Chapter 62: Help

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Stairs and hallways, corridors and rooms, bursting with loud panicked voices, hurried words, desperate cries.

The school seems to have exploded with voices and cheers and screams and just life that have been kept quiet for months.

As I look around me, I find it hard to believe what is going on.

Hogwarts, under attack. Potter, back here.

We exited the hall as professor Mcgonagall dismissed us. Now Draco's hand is pulling me further away from it, straight, into the left corridors . The chaos filling my head, his hand grabbing me harder. Pure pandemonium going on. He doesn't stop. I break into a half run as his steps grow wider, getting faster.

Death eaters have already started attacking the protective spells around the school. The burning marks over the enchanted orb, illuminate the sky like blue fireworks as red flakes of charm residue float effortlessly.

He stops to check either side of the intersecting corridors. We tun the corner to the left and see it. The old classroom. He can't possibly be serious.

"Draco..." I call as he doesn't stop.

He speeds towards it. The corridor is empty.

His hand grab the handle of the door, and with one movement he pulls me inside.

The door shuts behind us.

"I need you to listen to me"

His eyes are wide open in panic. His voice angry.

"This is not like before. If he comes, if he attacks the school... Maeve people will die."

"Do you think I don't know what's going on? I am not a child" I retort

"I need you to stay close to me..."

His voice lowers. His gaze drops.

"I can't loose you." He chokes.

My stomach wretched at the idea of death. I am not ready to fight. I am not ready for any of this. But who is, really? I stare at him, he back at me.

"We need to help him." I speak, trying to find confidence in my voice.

"Who?" His eyebrows furrow a little

"Potter. You know he's up to something. He didn't come back here for nothing" I speak quickly, as I see his disgusted reaction at my suggestion.

"It's not about some childish drama anymore. This is real." I continue.

"Whatever he's up to, he's got enough people to help him."

The noises outside the door grow louder.

"Can we not talk about him now, please."

His eyes drop to my lips, his body closer to mine. His hand reaches my cheek, his eyes slowly close, as do mine. His lips touch mine in a moment of absolute stillness. My hand reach to the back of him. We kiss, slowly. A war starting outside.

He rests his forehead on mine.

"Draco.." I half moan, half call.

He stops, but his hand stay on me.

"Stay with me"

He whispers, as he leaves one last kiss on me and lets go. He walks towards the door, my hand still in his. I try to peer through the corridor windows, trying to make out how much time we have.

The protection has enormous gaps now. Death eaters must be already marching towards us.

I feel him pulling me closer to him. My heart racing at the sight of madness.

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