Chapter 31: A.A.

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When Sunday arrives, I join the crowd of students gathered outside, all excited for the first visit of term. The others decided not to come today, they are all gathering to study, so I am alone. It's better this way, I can avoid questions.

Painfully, a chill that has nothing to do with the weather, hits my guts. Draco and the rest of the Slytherin team marching down to the pitch for today's practice. He doesn't see me as I look at him. I can't stop staring. Eyes focused, with his usual assertive look, always aware. His robes perfectly fitting his figure. I could look at him forever.


Hogsmeade seems warmer than the school grounds, up on the hill, surrounded by woods. But I still feel cold inside. My blood feels as if it is thickening in my veins as I find the Three Broomsticks.

I peer inside the pub's windows as I approach the door. A wave of heat invites me in as I step inside. I remove my scarf and gloves as I squint my eyes. I don't know who to look for exactly. Tables and stools at the bar are filled by people holding their drinks, enjoying the warmth of the place. Then I see her. It must be her. A woman. She's serious, her hands crossed on the table in front of her. Her elegant dark purple dress folding in the right places. Her head fixed on a point in front of her, patiently waiting with no drink on her table. I approach slowly, trying to attract her gaze.

"Umh, excuse me?" I stutter.

She looks up at me and stands flawlessly. She reaches a hand to me. I shake it.

"Miss Harvey, please do sit".

I take in a deep breath as I follow her invite. She sits with me, but doesn't speak immediately.

"I- umh- I think I received a letter from you?" I don't know what to say exactly, my heart starts pounding faster.

"Yes, please forgive my impetuousness. My name is Amelia Acton..."

'A.A.' of course.

"...I am here to discuss some matters with you. Does anyone know of our appointment today?" She raises her eyebrows in a fake kindly manner. She's intimidating.

Her dark hair fall behind her almost as if made of plastic. She's very thin but she feels overwhelming, her charisma absolutely insnaring.

"No" I say firmly.

"Good." She studies me.

"I have to ask something of you." My lips clench, I want her to go on.

"Say, like a job". She ends lowering her voice.

"Does this have anything to do with—" I don't know if I should say anything about it yet.

But she smiles, she knows. I inhale deeply, absolutely terrified now.

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