A/E - Chapter 63: The final battle

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As I step out of the room, pandemonium meets us. People running in all directions. I tightened my grip onto her. I can't let her go. The others have left.

I turn to Blaise and speak hesitantly.

"You know what to do."

He doesn't respond, instead he gives me a look of understanding and leaves us, determinately.

"Where is he going?" Her voice makes me turn to her.

"To get the others. We can't stay here." A rush of adrenaline flows through my body as she nods with the most innocent look on her face.


We run down the stairs, down to the entrance hall where hell is burning. Open duels to the death. Death eaters fighting all in sight. Professors and students casting spells to stay alive.

Screams and screeches loud around us, as the battle ground turned to smoke and dust. The side of the entrance wall completely destroyed. Stains of blood on the floor, mixing with the burning ashes.

The jets of lights coming from every single wand in sight, lights up the place like fireworks in a death filled battle field.

There are some bodies, curled up on the edges of the room, some being pulled away by force by desperate hands.

The helplessness of the scene overwhelming. My breath struggling to fill my lungs.

I stop for a moment, hide us behind the navel of the staircase we are climbing down. I make out the closest way to the dungeons, across this hall. If we are fast enough we can make it.

"We need to get past this to reach the dungeons" I thug her closer to me.

She nods once again, following my lead obediently.

"Stay behind me"

I finally stand, my wand raised in front of me. I keep my eyes in front and behind us, checking every angle for any attacker.

I keep her pushed behind me, forcing her to stay close.

We march across the hall, dodging falling ruins, fires and the continuous flow of duels going on around us. The screams filling my ears.

"Malfoy!" I hear a malice voice call.

I turn quickly towards the source of the voice.

Dolohov, Amycus and a third unfamiliar death eater are speeding towards us, their wands spilling jets of lights, missing us by inches. I cast a protective spell just seconds before the curse reaches us.

"Maeve, look out" I shout.


I bellow at them, breaking the protective spell

"Avada Kedarva"

I jolt at the sound of the ratchet voice.


The spell floating out of my wand before the word fully formed.

The green light dissolves as it meets the shimmering white shield around us.

I am sure to have protected us from the curse but I still turn to her, to look into her eyes.

"Are you okay?" I shout at her.

"Yes" She responds.

She raises her wand to attack.

Jets of light coming from all directions. I can feel her fight becoming more and more frantic. The three death eaters attacking us are too strong to fight off alone.

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