Chapter 43: Revelio

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I find myself walking around these castle walls very early on Sunday morning. My mind clear. Sleep came hardly last night but somehow I am calm. The consciousness of the task ahead stirred something in me. Fear is replaced by commitment. The unknown, the question of when I would have to do it, was harder than having a clear date. Tonight is going to be it and I felt my mind clear of all unnecessary thoughts. I am focused. Am I ready? I'd never be ready for something like this.

I turn the corner to where the conceal door always appears. I stop when I see Draco pacing up and down. It's only seven but it looks like he's been waiting. I am walking up to him as he turns to the sound of my steps. He can't speak. The fact that I am so calm makes me feel at fault. Sharing my own problem with him but yet I am the serene one, his taking in my worries, my own responsibilities.

We don't say a word to each other as metal joints and wooden planks materialise in front of us. We make our way in, the setting remained untouched. The books we left out still lying on the table. The shattered glass still on the floor.

I take a few steps deeper in the room. I hear Draco behind me, walking to the window.

"Scourgify" He mumbles.

The rattling noise of broken glass bouncing back on the wooden floor makes me turn around. A simple spell just put the blue vase back together. I approach him and bend to pick up the dead flower. He's holding the vase in his hand staring at it, I put the flower back inside it, keeping my eyes on his.

He looks ghostly, worn out. Purple patches under his eyes.

"Hey" I whisper.

He closes his eyes at my words.

"We are gonna practice the revealing charm" His voice is cold like stone.

"I know how to do it" I respond annoyed.

"It doesn't matter. I want to see it"

He doesn't meet my eyes. He places the vase back and walks to the middle of the room.

I follow him.

"I'll hide this" His hands together to remove one of his smaller rings.

"Close your eyes." His voice still bitter.

I can hear him walking to the back of the room, his steps getting quieter. I hear him retracing the same steps, taking different turns trying to set me off.

I straighten up as his walking gets louder, nearer. He's close behind me, I can feel him.

"You can open them" He whispers. I turn.

I clear my throat. Take a deep breath in and point my wand to a random place of the back to the room.

I think of the ring.


This isn't the simplest of spells, but I have mastered it many times in charms class. Still, Draco's stare makes it hard to concentrate.

My voice trembles but after a slow moment, a round hole of translucent shimmer appears.  The many shelves behind them create the same patch of liquid nothingness. Behind the layers of transparent patches a small shine is coming through.

I turn to him, his expression unreadable. I lower my wand but the patches remain. I walk to the back of the room, behind the last shelf to find the ring laid on a book, on top of a stool.

I walk back to him. I raise my hand clutching the ring, dropping it in his.

"Happy?" I ask with a satisfied smile now.

He smiles back.

"You'll go again."

I groan in boredom.

This time I had to use the spell twice. The first time the shelves pointed me to the right direction, but as I got the spot, I used the spell to reveal the hidden in boxes, wrapped in fabric.

We try again and again, successful results seem to lift his spirit.

"How are you with the disillusionment?"

I raise my eyebrows.

"Seriously?" This is a charm students are always eager to learn in their fifth year.

I have been infallible at it since the first lesson two years ago.

"Show me then. On yourself" He challenges.

I sigh.

I point the wand slightly turned towards me. I close my eyes and feel the jet of white light flowing through my body. I look down at my feet and raise my hands in front of me to see absolutely nothing.

I can see Draco's eyes, lost on an unfixed point behind me, not recognising depth anymore.

To be standing here, completely invisible, being able to see him, him not being able to see me. I feel in control. I walk towards him, still ghostly. I get close and reach my hands around him. I feel him faulted at the sudden touch but he assents. His hands unsure, not seeing what he's touching. A blindman's game. Letting my form guide him. His eyes, still lost, finally close.

"Revelio" His words are spoken so quietly, I can only make them out because his lips are still on mine.

His eyes open, finding focus on me again. His wand in his hand. I see him stare into my eyes, searching for something. He looks at me as if there's something worth stopping time for. I look back at him in equal necessity.

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