1. 4 years - accidentally unpublished

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Hope's POV

Today was 4 years since Dads death, 4 years since he gave up his life for me and it still got to me everyday. No-one noticed Aunt Freya astral projected in the morning to check if I was okay but even she hasn't noticed anything wrong with me. The rest of the family just sent messages I understand that he wasn't the best towards his family but he loved them and did everything he did out of love.

He was my hero and saved my life and he didn't even find peace I found that out 2 years during the mailvore shit that went down when the necromancer came to the school. That just made me feel worse because if he cant find peace he must just be disappointed in me for everything I have done and he also must regret ever giving his life up for me he must think I'm a worse monster then anyone every thought he was.


As I was just thinking about all of this I took out the blade from beneath my bed and slid it across my skin watching the crimson blood poor quickly out as it closed up again

1 for being a disappointment to the Mikaelson name

1 for being an abomination

1 for not having a purpose

1 for being ugly

1 for killing your farther, mother and uncle

No-one could figure it out because they closed up and healed almost instantly.


I didn't stop until I hear a knock the door "Hope me and the super squad are going out to the mystic grill wanna join ?" I could hear the voice the beautiful tone that only came from Josie Saltzman (my crush since I was 14 before everything went wrong), but I stayed silent not wanting to join the squad because they probably didn't want to hang out with a monster like me 'there just asking to be polite' I thought.

"Hope I know your in there MG is out here with me and he can hear your breathing we're coming in" as soon as she said that I muttered a spell quick to clean the blood of my clothes and the floor and quickly put the blade under the bed.

"Hey Josie, MG sorry I didn't hear you at first what's wrong ?" I sad quickly trying to put a smile on my face so they didn't think anything was off "Oh ok would you like to come to the mystic grill with the super squad" I thought maybe I should come maybe they do like you but the voices in my head quickly dismissed that idea there just being nice they don't actually want you to come who would want to hang out with a freak like you "Are you okay hope" MG said quickly pulling me out of my thought "Yeah sorry just thinking how much work I had to do and sorry I cant come the pile of homework I have is massive maybe another time tell the rest of the squad sorry as well" I replied trying to sound as convincing as possible but Josie looked at me like she didn't believe 'shit hopefully she hasn't seen through the lie' Josie opened her mouth like she was about to say something but MG quickly cut her of "Okay hope talk to you later also Dr Saltzman said if you weren't coming with us to come talk to him quickly in his office" "Bye guys again sorry" MG dragged Josie out the room she still didn't look convinced but I'll think about that later I've got to go to Dr Saltzman's office.

Josie's POV

As I got dragged out of Hope's room I was a bit nervous she looked a bit sad and just not normal maybe I was just over reacting but she didn't have that pink tint to her cheeks like usual and she just looked tired but maybe that was it 'Stop overreacting just because you have had a crush on her since she was 12 doesn't mean you know everything about her' I guess MG noticed I was in thought because I hadn't heard him saying my name the last 3 times until he tapped me on the shoulder "Hey are you alright you look in thought" he asked "Yeah I'm alright but didn't it look like there was something up with hope ?" "Yeah I noticed that she seemed kinda sad but Idk maybe try and talk to her considering you've got a massive crush on her" He basically screamed "SSHHH MG I don't want the whole school knowing also what am I supposed to say to her 'hi you look sad also I have a massive crush on you' maybe I'll try talk to her later lets go meet the others in Mystic falls" "Yeah ok" Mg said stifling a laugh over me being dramatic.

We went pasts my Dads office so I decided to knock on the door telling him we were going. "It's me dad can I come in" I yelled through the door " Come in he yelled back I opened the door to see Hope siting in the chair in front of my Dads desk looking at the floor there is something up with her I'll talk to her later "Hey Dad I'm going to head out see you later" I said waving bye to him " See you later sweetheart" I closed the door and walked outside to MG's Car because the rest had already left for mystic falls.

Hope's POV

I walked through Dr Saltzman door to see him with a concerned expression and quickly walked up to me and wrapped his arms around me I was confused at first then remembered he must now Dad died on this day "Are you okay I know what this day means to you" I pulled away not wanting to cry in my headmasters arms no matter how close we are "Yeah I'm fine" I said sitting down on the chair opposite him as he sat down on his chair "You know its okay to be upset he meant" before he could finish what he was saying there was a knock on the door and I looked down so whoever walked through wouldn't see the tears I was holding back I drowned out who was there and what they were saying until I heard the door close "Can I go I have a lot of homework to do and its due really soon" I said before he could continue saying whatever it was before "Yes Hope you can but if you ever need to talk to someone I'm hear" I nodded to him and walked out the door 'why cant people just leave me alone' they want you to say it so they can laugh at you because who would actually care about the tribrid freak "Yeah would care about the tribrid" quietly repeating what the voices where saying to me.

I got back to my room and went inside crying myself to sleep even though it was only 5pm 'It's so tiring to pretend to be fine all the time'

First chapter complete sorry if any spelling is incorrect also I know it's a very deep chapter and quite dark but I hope you liked it any ideas please tell me because this is my first book that I'm publishing (14/04/2021 1246 words)

HOSIE (Endlessly for you) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now