Who the hell are you

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Lizzie's POV

The new girl came out of this expensive black car which maid her already seem really snobby and over dramatic like really walking out a limo for a school visit. I greeted her politely anyway. She had bright orange hair and blue eyes she looked like someone who had been describe to me before but I couldn't put my finger on it.



"Welcome to the Salvatore School we're your tour guides"

"I'm Josie"

"I'm Lizzie, Sisters"


"Fraternal Obvs

We both looked at each other with a smirk even though as having changed so much we still love to greet the newbie's this way, what surprised me was the fact that she rolled her eyes and just looked bored not even trying to make conversation. "Soo.. what's your name" Jo asked a bit nervously not liking to annoy her. "I'm Ar-Ar-Ariana" Me and my sister just looked at each other confused why she stumbled over her own name we ignored it and started to show her around the school.

An hour later she has left and didn't even bother to say thankyou the whole time she was being cocky and arrogant and just being rude. Every single detail I remembered someone had told me but I didn't know who it was. I turned to Josie and she had the exact same expression on her face I had on. "Doesn't she fit a description of someone I've heard about before" I nodded in agreement mentally deciding I was going to figure out what her problem was and why she was being so rude. "She was a total bitch" I said sort of loudly, Josie's eyes widened and put a finger in front of her lips in a shhh way telling me to quieten down not wanting the vamp to hear me say anything bad.

She just walked away with a thoughtful face leaving me at the front of the school. By the time I made it to the lunch hall everyone was gone and the bell was about to ring. Me, Josie and Hope all had practical magic so it was a surprise to me when I saw Hope standing alone outside our class looking for someone. When she saw my she vamped and then looked around confused and concerned "Where's Josie" I shrugged "I don't know I thought she would be with you since you and her showed the maybe new girl around everyone is already talking about her like she is the.." "Lizzie shut up I thought Josie with you and if she's with neither of us and not in the class room where the hell she is" I was starting to get nervous Josie never skipped class without a reason and if she did she would text us but neither of us had any messages or calls from her. Hope pulled out her phone and pressed on Josie's contact putting it on speaker.

"Hey sorry I am unable to answer I will get back to you later have a good day" Josie's voicemail said Hope huffed and looked at me expecting me to do something. I pulled out my phone and called her aswell but got the same results, just a voicemail. "I'll text Dad and ask if she's with him" Hope grabbed my arm before letting me text "Don't make him worry if he says no tell him oh we just found her she was in the bathroom". I rolled my eyes but gave a nod in understanding.



"Hey Dad have you seen Josie around"

I waited a few seconds and the 3 dots appeared of the screen, me and Hope looked at each other nervously really hoping they where together

"No where is she Lizzie is she's not with you or in class"

"Oh sorry we just found her and she was in the bathroom we where worried for nothing"

"Okay but you three go back to class now"

HOSIE (Endlessly for you) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now