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(I actually like the beginning of this chapter a lot and like how I wrote it you guys may not but please don't give to much negatives for it if you don't)


Hope's PV

I feel a searing pain go through my body then nothing. Everything is gone, before I could see the blurry figures around me but now everything is dark. It is like my eyes are closed but instead they are just staring into the endless pit of dark. I close my eyes trying to clear my brain, maybe, maybe I'm just asleep. I open my eyes again but still everything is black. I feel the enveloping coldness wash over.

My mine flashed back from when I was in mailvore, at least then for most of it I was with Clark but now I was by myself alone, this dreaded feeling surrounding me. I feel so isolate, I tried a spell to make a ball of light but nothing happened. I tried again but the same result. I let out a puff of air and slump my shoulders. I try to look around my maybe finding a way out of dark but it just gave me a piercing headache.

The only feelings I could make out where confusion and fear. I don't know what's happening, I don't even really know what happened before this. I frowned but I don't even really know if I did, it feels like I do something hear at it just gets swallowed up, I still remember doing it but it's just a mess in my brain. Different feelings I can't place, different movements that don't make sense even though their mine. I try to blink but it's the same, I don't know if my eyes are even open at this point or closed. I feel broken maybe all my memories never existed maybe I just some sort of imagination, maybe I'm just a lie, that this world is just crazy dream and I've lived here before.

Mailvore must have been me in my real home but even then I made up another person just to believe I was real. "NO" I shouted it echoed but it didn't, it echoed in my brain almost did it even come out of my mouth. I feel like I'm seeing through my own eyes but also looking down on myself. Is this how I've always been just lost.

I think I felt a shiver around me, the I start to involuntarily shake. I look around me trying to make sense of anything. My emotions feel like they're slowly bleeding out of me accepting the fact that this is all real. I try to remember anything but at this point my memories are fading aswell.


I am there for hours, minutes, seconds maybe moving maybe not. I don't know my movements. Everything is just gone. Like there never has been anything. Still slightly shaking, some sort of movement I'm slightly aware of.

I hear something in my ears. No I'm just fooling myself with another delusion I think there is nothing there. But another sound rings in my ears. It like a low growl or whatever that is. Maybe a, no I'm not sure. A sob that's it someone is crying, how could I forget what someone crying was. I feel something fall on me water. Warm salty water. I raise my hand I guess and wipe it of my face touching it between my fingers in confusion. A tear, how, what, this, this isn't right nothing is here. What is here, where am I. I've felt this before, I've felt more than this before. Where is everything. Why are there tears on me. This can't be possible. I'm panicking I think I've felt this aswell before how. I frown, that's the word for it right YEAH that it.

I started coughing and coughing, blurry shapes around me instead of darkness, flashing around me different colours and grey shapes. I'm drowning, drowning in darkness drowning in emotions I hardly remember or recognise.



I start to remember memories hitting me, emotions starting to rise remembering there names. Fear, sadness, pain. How long have I been like this. I see the image of a beautiful brunette, my whole vision surrounding her. Josie my love. Then my father, my mum, uncles, aunts, Lizzie even Caroline. I remember who they all are.

I feel a pull at my face just as everything has come back to me. I pull back at it and the bright lights of my surroundings swirl around me. I could see the faces of my family as air was sucked back into my lungs. I could now smell blood all around me not just mine someone else someone I hate. (Aurora)

I was still lying in in a pool and looking up at the shocked faces of my family with wide eyes. I shot up and grabbed onto my dad scared of what just happened filled with confusion and not wanting to be alone my dad squeezed me trying to comfort me just as much as himself, after a few moments my mum joined in then the rest of my family all around me hugging me.

I didn't realise there where tears running down my face until I felt the salty wetness touch my lips. Just like in that darkness making me inhale quickly. Everyone looks at me weirdly with that and slowly pulled away, I just gave a small smile in reply.

"H-ho-how ?" My dad said still sobbing, I was slightly shocked at him crying I had only died (when i say this I mean like a normal quick vampire death when you wake up again not actual death)

I looked at everyone confused. "Uh what do you mean" I said my head turning between Freya and my Dad. They all looked at each other and Freya picked up a read knife that was lying on the floor next to me.

"So, this was supposed to permanently kill you, I can't explain how it was made right now but a lot happened and I don't know what you saw and what you didn't" She said this but I wasn't even really paying attention I could here the sounds of screaming and grunts behind me.

I turned not expecting at all what I see. The image of Josie with her hands in Aurora's chest. My eyes widened. "What the hell" I whispered to myself and looked at my family. "How ?" was the only word forming in my mind.

"Well we weren't paying to much attention because we thought you where dead but its seems you4 love has the Mikaelson anger in her, and she's killing Aurora it's fun to watch isn't it" Kol said with such gleam. I rolled my eyes shakily getting up and trying to walk towards her before I was quickly pulled back.

"What are you doing, death isn't even anywhere near what she deserves but we want her dead then anything else" I pulled away from and looked at Josie. I could see the anger surging through her almost like she was about to break but it was the only thing keeping her up. It reminded me when she was "Dark" putting all her magic into hurting Aurora like that scared me. It wasn't that was scared of her it's that I'm scared for herself, she could never forgive herself if she actually did this.

"I'm not letting her do this you can do all the torturing you want AFTer but I'm not letting Josie participate unless I know she does it for the right reasons" I vamped over to Josie standing behind her feeling the pure rage and hatred radiating of off her. I breathed heavily trying to get her attention slightly without touching her in this state but she was so swallowed by the anger she didn't hear.

I opened my arms and wrapped them around her waist just as I felt her muscles start to pull back from Aurora's chest.

Josie's POV

I felt anger coursing through every cell in my body I knew nothing could stop it, until, until I felt those arms wrap around my waist the same arms that had hundreds of times. I stopped everything freezing around me. "It's okay i am here" I heard her whisper in my ear. My arm fell from Aurora's chest leaving her heart intact.

I turned and saw her the blue eyes full of tears making my heart break. I clutched on to her kissing her with all the energy I had left.

Once we pulled away I looked at her, the blood still staining her body but I didn't care I wanted to be as close to her as possible. She was alive, completely there and holding me. I gave her a smile as tears dripped down my face. I kissed her again and again, deciding to never let go of her again even for a second.

I held my arms around her as we both kept crying slowly going to the floor still hugging and clutching each other like our lives depended on it.

"I'm so sorry" I said through streams.

"There is nothing you did that you need to apologise for" Hope replied hugging me just as tightly as I was her.





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