Come to New Orleans

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Hopes POV

What had i done me and Josie had been dating for a few days and I already screwed up. She hung up on me crying, I knew she hated me and it was my fault. I deserved it all the pain. I didn't deserve her she's to kind to strong to brave and I'm just week and I did something I will regret forever but even if she did forgive me I would never trust myself again. I put Josie in pain, I out her in pain and I couldn't stop it. I couldn't go run to her and give her a hug, It felt like my organs were being pulled out. I love her and yes it has only been a few days but that didn't stop it.

Josie was the one holding me together these past few days she made me feel and that feeling was happiness but as soon as I left for New Orleans and i went numb again so got drunk to feel anything I didn't care what. All I felt was darkness and pain and that feeling was still in my chest burning me inside out. I knew I didn't deserve to be here to live and be happy knowing what I've done and neither would anyone else.

I didnt want to feel this and I knew a way to make it stop, and it was the only way to make it stop. I wouldn't have to care about the death of my parents, I wouldn't have to care about Josie, I wouldn't be weak Hope Mikaelson I would be strong. I went over to my bed side table opening a draw and removing the hollow base to it to reveal 5 very sharp blades. I picked one up cursing it immediately knowing if I didn't I would heel to fast. I started to drag it along my skin as the crimson beads appeared and got bigger until it was a waterfall down my arm. Already knowing my intentions I kept going deeper.

Freyas POV

It had been a few hours since Hope had come down and I was starting to worry she had probably told Josie what happened by now and cheating isnt a light thing. All I could feel for the last week was worry for her, I didn't want her to feel like this, like she was alone. We were all always here for her but we're not enough she just wants her parents to comfort her telling her she's loved.

I was on the sofa reading an old grimoure when Kol ran over to me with panic written all over his face. Making my brain go to dark places because that's all that had been happening recently. "I smell blood and its strong to strong help me get into Hopes room its locked with a spell We both jumped up and rushed over to the stairs climbing them and finally got to her room. It had been mere seconds but it felt like hours just to make sure she was okay. The rest of the family were out getting groceries, bourbon, blood bags and probably some beignets.

We ran up the stairs I tried a quick and easy opening spell I knew it wouldnt work but I had to try. I went over to the door said a complex opening spell making us a few seconds delayed but it opened if Hope hadn't been in a rush she would have made it more complex this just increased the negative thoughts in my head, I had to keep trying to push them out. The door swung open to reveal a passed out Hope with blood surrounding her in pools coming out of not just her arms but her stomach and throat. I got a towel and started blotting her saying a spell at the same time trying to pull away the black magic that was keeping the cuts open, but another spell at the same time to try and regain her healing.

Kol hold these and keep pressure, if any thing worse happens I'll be in the room over I need to call someone. I ran over to Hopes phone that was on the bed and went to her contacts and called the school. It took a few minutes to pick up but when they did Dr Saltzmans voice was on the other end. It took me a moment to reply voice still shaky and I could hear Kol's sobs from the other room. He was always seen as one of the toughest Mikaelsons who never cry and to see him breakdown like this was hard for me.

Alaric we need your help come down to New Orleans with Josie and Lizzie right away its about Hope I hung up not giving him time to reply. Knowing I would tell him everything if I talked longer. I rushed back to Kol to carry on chanting when Kol stopped me. I cant hear her heart beat it's just umm gone He had tears already rolling down his face getting heavier and heavier the greater the sadness hit him.

I knew spells to kick start a heart but was worried about the PTSD of doing it but I knew if I didnt Hope would be a vamp and at that point it was one of my worst nightmares. Also if Klaus ever found out we let her he would come back to life just to put everyone of our heads on a stick. I said the chant and Kol let out a sigh of relief and nodded to me. Indicating it had worked I joined him on the sigh then looked at where her cuts where and they were gone.

Shit we heard a mumble from her lips how the hell had she already woken up. I pounced on her immediately wrapping her in a hug and Kol joined, but she didnt replecate she just sat there.What the hell Hope why Kol nearly screamed you could tell he wasnt mad because tears where still streaming down his face and the tone in his voice. She looked blank like it didnt matter to her.I thought you had all gone out and lets say things didnt go well with Josie and I didnt want the emotions She said blankly. We had just told Alaric to come with the girls so they were going to have to sort it out.

She got up and sat on her bed still emotionless. I looked over to Kol tears still covering his face. Kol take all the things she could do it with I whispered in his ear he nodded and went searching around the house starting with her bedroom while Hope just looked at a blank wall clearly not wanting to talk to anyone but I didn't want to leave her alone in this state.

Hopes POV

The whole time I was looking at the wall I thought about how I needed to get to the garden (the one under the compound) but i knew after what just happened they were going to be keeping and eye on me. When Freya went to talk to Kol for a second I sprinted out my bedroom because they weren't paying attention.

I looked around for the entrance having not been there in years so it took me a while. When I found it I slipped down there trying not to make noise of Kol would find me instantly. There were brick walls everywhere most of them were crumbled and deteriorating there was only 1 that didn't even have a crack on it, it looked like it had been done a few months ago it was at the very back obviously trying to hide something.

I said and incantation making it blow to peices in an instant revieling piles of books and grimoires. Knowing I didn't have much time to find it because Kol and Freya would have heard the crash. I already knew they were esters my grandmother who tried to kill me atleast 5 times and the rest of my family everyday of there lives and that isn't even what killed them, 'I always made that joke trying to play it of that it didn't affect me'. I reached into the large hole now left in the wall but my arm was pushed back with a burn, it had been spelled shut. I chanted for a few minutes finally undoing the spell reaching in to look at the books. I saw a big red old one all of them were old but this one looked like it had been around longer than the rest of them. The edges were crisp the back was cracked and pages creased but somehow it still called to me telling me that's what I was looking for.

I quickly reached in and heard footsteps behind me saying a spell to make it go back to its orignal state to make them less suspicious of what she was trying to do . I hid the book in my hoodie knowing it would conceal it when Kol and Freya approached me from behind I turned around knowing where I needed to be.

Can I go to the bayou, you can pat me down and stay at the edge of it the whole time They looked at each other in conformation Okay but just a few hours I smiled at this and we walked to the car me trying to make the book comfortably fit under my hoodie.

When we got there I jumped out imediatly and shifter running to were the back end of the bayou and the others drove away, I had promised them that I would be back by a certain time was in the process of hearing the other 2 Mikaelsons to talk about how I needed this to connect with my parents I ran to the log I was at last time and opened the book searching for the spell. It took me hours to look through everything when I finally got to it I wasnt expecting it to be so hard to do it would nearly kill me if not kill me all together now I had to make a decision between my parents and me. And there was an obvious choose.

?????? POV

How the hell did she find those we all put them away safely I already knew what she was going to choose being Hope but I knew ahe would regret it forever.

Part 15 done litteraly wrote this in notes on the way to school because i was bored and didnt have data to do it on wattpad and post Im probaly not going to be posting over the weekend because im in a different house so ill post on sunday or monday bye luv you <3 thankyou for 117 views Also I know the recent wouldn't have been on

( 30/04/2021 1824 views )

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