Talk to us we need to return

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Hope's POV

I heard crying and whispering all around me as I started to wake up in the same bed for a second time today. "Hey sweetie are you okay" Kol whispered. His voice shocked me did he know what happened. I looked over to Freya and Bex with wide and questioning eyes and they both nodded. "Oh" I thought. I needed a break and didn't want to deal with the pain anymore. I stood up and the three looked at me with questioning eyes. I shifted almost instantly in the middle of the room and burst out the window and heard screaming coming from behind me.

My white coat flowed through the wind as I felt relief wash over me. Like people where running with me like a pack. But how did I know this feeling if I've never been in one, that thought didn't stop me from running for hours around the manors acers.

The sun was starting to rise and I went back to the house still in wolf form trotted up to my bedroom and shifted. I put some clothes on and turned to see Josie. "Oh hi" I whispered knowing she had seen me get dressed, there was a large blush on her cheeks as she came over and wrapped her arms around me giving me a light kiss. Before it could get anywhere near passionate there was a cough coming from the door.

My aunt Bex stood there with a smug smile making me roll my eyes in return. "We need to talk" She said making Josie glance at me. As I picked my nails nervously not wanting the conversation. "I'm really sorry Josie but this is something Hope has to tell you in her own time" As Rebekah said this Josie gave an understanding nod, Kissed me for a few seconds and left the room. As soon as she was gone Kol and Freya appeared at the door frame walking threw locking it, placing a boundary spell around it and a silencing spell. "Was this all really necessary" I replied smugly they gave me a knowing look and my smirk turned into a frown.

"Okayyy so what's up ?" I tried to make it as least serious as possible considering there worried faces that made me guilty for giving them pain and wanting the cool blade on my skin again. "Hope you can't just ignored what happened. Me and Rebekah found you passed out in a pool of your own blood" I knew Freya wasn't trying to be harsh but she didn't have to say It like that. "I'm sorry" I said looking down at my shoes. "What for" Rebekah said taking a place on my bed next to me. "Everything I guess. The fact that I killed your brothers. That you found me. That every time you think about me you think of the people you don't have. I'm sorry that I give you guys pain. I'm sorry it was me. I'm sorry I can't die." They all looked at me with shocked faces.

"Hope we love you and never want you to feel like this. It wasn't your fault what happened to Hailey, Elijah and Klaus they did it because they loved you and would do anything for you we don't want you to die and yes when we see you, you remind us of them but the best of them and its another reason why we love you hope" They were all crying but I wasn't I felt numb. Until I felt 2 hands on my back rubbing it making me feel whole I turned around to see no-one there I was confused because I could feel it clearly.

I started to cry and it wouldn't stop my emotions came tumbling in and I hated it. "Please just make it stop the guilt and pain is tearing me apart" I said and continued crying.

Kol's POV

After a while of all of us crying all the girls had fallen asleep. I couldn't do that I was still worried about Hope. I entered her mind just wanting to know how she felt it was agonisingly painful but at the back of it all I heard a voice saying find it find it find it. I pulled out of her mind and started wondering what the hell it was talking about.

I went down stairs and found Josie, Lizzie, Marcel and My lovely wife laughing. I went back up stairs to check on the girls again and Hope had gone there was now an empty space between Rebekah and Freya. I heard rummaging coming from the walk in wardrobe. There was nothing in it apart from a few of Hope's tops jeans and a pair of shoe's but they were now in a suitcase with Hope staring at it in thought.

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