Following and fading

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This starts a bit before Hope comes down to ask to go for a run


Hope's POV

Thought where running through my head starting from light and getting darker and darker. I hated being alone I was always left with my mind and it was always a dark place. I would go cuddle with Josie but she needed time with her sister and wouldn't want to be with me anyway. I was being such a bad a girlfriend who takes them away from their sister from them the person who has been there for them since birth and someone who has always stuck by them. I wish I had someone like that, I always felt alone no matter what anyone told me even with people around me I felt alone like they were faking it and only here so id didn't have a 'tribrid breakdown'

After a few more minutes of dark thoughts I needed to push them away or I would have gone to far and wouldn't be able to pull myself back and I was in my house so if anyone found me they would be automatically worried, or most likely wouldn't and would just leave me.

I walked down the stairs and heard mutters and whispers from the living room, If I wanted to hear them I could have but I decided to shrug it of. I just needed to let my emotions out by the only way I have been doing recently. Killing.

I walked through the door not paying attention at first "Hey I was wondering if I could go for a run, wait are you all okay" Dad turned around with a mix of different expressions worry, sadness, confusion. What the hell was going on no-one was answering making me all the worried "Hello earth to everyone are you alright you guys look like someone just died" Tears where now streaming out of Dads eyes I didn't know what to do Dad was always the strong one to never get sad and was the one to be strong through everything so something bad must have happened. "Hope I need to talk" He sat down and I sat down next to him get increasingly worried. He shook his head and wiped his tears like It didn't matter.

"Don't worry you go for a run and we'll tell you later" I shook my head wanting to know what was wrong. Dad doesn't get this emotional something really must be wrong. "No what's wrong" He patted my back reassuring me to go. Obviously I wanted to leave my hunger was increasing and so was my nervousness and those weren't a good mix. "Seriously go we'll be fine" I sighed and gave him a hug before walking out the compound.

Klaus's POV

"Why did you let her go she could be out there kill more people" I hated the way Freya was speaking she was treating Hope as if she was a monster she had been through so much and everyone was expecting her to be perfect yeah I hated the thought of the innocent girl Hope use to be doing this but she wasn't a monster I had done worse. I turned my eyes gold and let out a deep growl in her direction earning me a surprised gasp.

"Stop treating her like she is a monster also I let her go because I'm going to follow her to see if it's actually her and if it is to see how much it's affecting her" They all nodded and as Hayley was about to speak I butted in "Hayley no your not coming, if you see one thing happen that you can't take to do with Hope you'll break our cover I will protect her if anyone tries to harm her" Hayley nodded with an annoyed expression.

I walked out into bourbon street into yet another parade. Luckily for me Hope and I where both wolves meaning I could track her sent and for now it was still clear so I had to find her before it started to fade.

Hope's POV

I walked into one of the many ally ways on the street and summoned a blade and admiring its sharp edges like it were a diamond. I whispered an incantation turning the edges of the blade black to increase the pain like I usual would. I dragged it along my skin and watched blood ooze out of it I repeated it again and again loving the feeling of release. The cuts started to heal since I was a vampire no mater what curse I put on the blade they would still heal but slower then usual. There was blood everywhere and more of it dried on my arm, I heard a shuffle behind me so I quickly turned around.

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