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Hope's POV

Once me and Josie left everything was amazing not having to care about being perfect the emotions being gone it wasn't like how I felt when I was numb it was just nothing and it felt amazing draining people by the dozens as we went around not knowing what we were doing. Just killing, partying and fun ;). It hadn't even been a day and me and Josie had done it about 10 times mainly next to dead bodies in ally ways but the blood and alcohol just made everything feel amazing.

We were on the way back to Mystic Falls because Josie wanted to 'surprise' people with her transformation, I agreed since I didn't know where I officially wanted to go yet. We stopped in south Carolina since there where people everywhere and we wanted a snack. We drained about 50 people by the last one Josie was getting impatient since I did my trade mark on everyone of my victims and she just dropped hers on the floor.

"Hope hurry up no-one cares about your petty little marks" I rolled my eyes getting aggravated of how impatient she was being "Why don't you shut up and take your 'little miss perfect' act and find your own victim for one of I thought people where supposed to be fun when they had no humanity" Josie got annoyed by what I said punching me in the face making me laugh at her thinking this would hurt. "You realise I'm a tribrid a weak punch wont do anything to me" As I said this I pushed her up to the wall putting my hand in her chest and fear arose in her eyes stirring something in me for some reason hating to see Josie afraid of me. I pushed this down and let go of her heart sliding my hand out of her chest and attacking her lips her leaning into them aggressively.

After another long night I woke up in a random house a random bed with Josie next to me, remembering the night and when things got to heated compelling someone to give us their house for the night. The house was in the woods so that was useful since I hadn't turned in a while needing to or my wolf would push itself out randomly.

I sat up and Josie stirred next to me as I got out of bed just putting pants and a top on. I turned around to see Josie checking me out I smirked at her and walked downstairs. The house was nice it was 2 floors but was still big. There were 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a kitchen, living room,and there was a random room downstairs I walked into it seeing a room that didn't have anything in it, the people or person who lived here must have moved in recently.

After exploring the house I went to the backdoor sliding it open to see the large woods behind the house. Josie appeared behind me not to my surprise since I could smell and hear her coming. "Going for a run ?" I nodded raising my eyebrows as why it bothered her "I'm going to follow you and having a location on you because we don't know how your wolf will react with your humanity of" I rolled my eyes "Wow even no humanity Josie is so careful" She rolled her eyes and pushed past me into the woods and I followed her.

I walked behind a tree undressing and walked back from behind it seeing Josie look shocked but keep looking me up and down I smirked and started to shift. My bones cracked but the pain past quickly once I had finally completely shifted, since it took longer than usual but I didn't care enough to think about it, everything went black but at the same time I was also awake. My wolf was pushing my human/vampire/ witch or whatever consciousness away.

Josie POV

Once she shifted the white wolf in front of me shook it's head then looked at me surprised. I chanted the tracking spell and the white wolf ran away making me confused because it wasn't running like It was just going somewhere random it looked like it new where it was going and had a place to be. I vamped after the wolf not realising how fast they really where but kept slightly up with Hope though nearly losing her a few times


After hours of running I had to sit down not caring if Hope ran of knowing I would be able to find her with the spell. I breathed heavily looking at the sky it was early evening now and the sky was blue usually seeing the sky this blue would bring me some kind of joy but I felt nothing like I had these past few days.

HOSIE (Endlessly for you) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now