Hey this is important

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I'm working on a part right now it should be out on Wednesday. I just wanted to tell you I'll be posting the last official part to this story exactly a year after I started this story. We're coming up to the end I promise it's positive. I will probably do some bonus parts afterwards because I want to give you guys some cute Hosie things. But I thought I should give you a warning because as someone who reads fanfics it can be hard when they end. I will do another one and it will probably be Hosie since I have thousands of other ideas that can't be carried on in this story. I will probably start working on a new story before I finish this one so I have some parts ready to come out but please tell me if there are any things you want in the next story if its any side ships or things like that. Also should I do an AU or just do this universe still. Do you guys want it more light hearted or less but give me any ideas and I can try to make it happen. I love you guys and I'm sorry this is coming to an end soon.

HOSIE (Endlessly for you) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now