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a/n: I know Tuesday lasted like 5 chapters I'm sorry it was sort of necessary not reall enjoy the chapter. Also I know there is only Lizzie and Josie's outfit but Hope is gonna be asleep for this part again so there was no point also the outfits are less bright than usual because obviously there stressed


3rd Person POV

Josie woke up still tired with dry tears on her face. She stretched to find the space next to her empty , her sister had already gotten up. She yawned and got up and got dressed quickly throwing on whatever she had picked up first to go look for her sister.

Once she got downstairs she saw everyone rushing around but her eyes went straight to Hope still unconscious on the sofa. Josie took a deep breath and walked into the kitchen where she had assumed her sister was and was indeed correct. Lizzie was busying herself around picking up a bunch of different herbs that where now scattered around everywhere, layed out on the counters to different chairs and stools. She stared around confused until she jumped when a hand was placed on her shoulder.

Josie turned quickly seeing it was Hayley she tried her best to smile under the situation and Hayley reflected the same half hearted smile and started to explain to Josie what was going on.

"So your mom has gone to Bonnie's to learn some more stuff about what could be happening and Kol called Davina and she is asking around at the moment we're just trying to figure out if it is a spell problem or if Hope is just worn out" Hayley said sort of frantically. Josie replied with a nod and walked towards her sister who was still running around the kitchen.

"What are you doing ?" Josie questioned Lizzie. Lizzie turned in surprise not having noticed her twin in the room before since she was trying to focus on getting the right herbs for Freya.

"Morning Jo I'm helping Freya find some herbs that wills strengthen Hope if it has anything to do with weakness and if it turns out to be a spell to find herbs that will wake her up and if the spell is more extreme" Lizzie paused for a minute not really sure if she should be telling her sister or not "well we'll think about that later but I'm shore everything will be fine" Lizzie said with a nervous smile.

"Okay what can I do to help ?" Josie said knowing Lizzie was lying but chose to move past it since everyone was trying to be positive.

"I know you want to try and help with all the potions and figuring out if anyone has done something, but Jo just stay with Hope an be her strength we all know she wont accept help so being there for her while she is like this is what shows Hope you really care" Lizzie said this trying not to cry herself in the past, yes her and Hope have had there large amount of difficulties but they had become best friends and Lizzie didn't want anything to happen to her.

Lizzie inhaled raggedly and gave her sister a hug and pushed her back into the main room where Hope was lying. Josie waved her hand and picked up a chair with her magic placing it by the couch and looked over Hope taking in her beautiful face filling her minds of positives and how she will always be there for Hope.

Caroline's POV

I knocked on the door to the a little cottage and waited outside patiently looking around to the beautiful scenery. I had been here before but not since it was band new and there where only a few flowers and plants around, but now the gardens where covered with flowers and vines looking magical and as beautiful as ever.

I heard the door behind me open and saw the little figure of my best friend pop out from the door. I sped to her and hugged her knocking her to the floor immediately. "Oof Calm down Caroline nice to see you aswell" Bonnie said squeezing me back and chuckling slightly, her calm demeanour showing through a usual.

HOSIE (Endlessly for you) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now