She's still here and staring

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3rd person POV

They all got out the car looking around for any red haired girls, since they did not knowing if Aurora would decide to show her face because of what happened yesterday they looked at each other wearily almost communicating through their minds.

Josie and Hope's hands where connected whilst they walked into school and Lizzie arms was dragged around Josie's neck. The second they walked through the buildings entrance the Twins Dad came and wished them all good morning and to hurry up and get to class since the bell just went.

"I have lycanthrope history even though I'm pretty sure we learn the same things over blah blah the sun and moon curse blah blah was actually about my father the crescents I still have to learn about even though I am one and my mum is a labonair"

Lizzie and Josie looked at each other trying to hide how funny they found Hope moaning about doing her classes since she barely ever did. "Well we have defence witch classes even though we have told Dad thousands of times that we need to learn offense but we have vampire training together which that bitch will be in" Hope and Lizzie stared eyes wide open.

Hope POV

"Jeez Jo I take it you really don't like her" Josie rolled her eyes and dragged Lizzie in the direction of her classroom. I smiled and walked in the other direction to my class smiling all the way when I got to the door Dr S was teaching us, we don't have many teachers so only 3 or 4 lessons go on at a time and most the time its students who have completed there studying and Uni or one or Dr Saltzman's friends since most of them are supernatural. Apart from Jeremy he's human but trains us with fighting and most of the girls in the school constantly try to hit on him its stupid really.

Dr Saltzman smiled at me and gestured me into the classroom and it was nearly full when the strawberry headed vampire walked in smirking at me then sending me daggers. DR Saltzman just smiled at her encouragingly to take a step at the front.

"Introduce yourself" He whispered her. He was being so nice and polite to her confusing me after a few second I realised why. We hadn't told him about her yet I sighed and sat there knowing I couldn't do anything until I saw the twins.

"I'm Ariana I'm an old vampire but never learned control or about other species that's why I'm in the class" Everyone just nodded and she looked around for a seat looking right next to me is when I remembered I always sat with a spare seat next to me making me have to supress a growl

"Ariana go sit next to Hope she's sitting at the back by the window" She smiled evilly and sat next to me making me want to hit her already.

"Your girlfriend is gorgeous by the way" The second she said that one of my eyes turned gold and the other read both of my genes acting up a let out a loud growl making her eyes widen in almost fear but underneath it I could tell it was just an act for everyone else. I stormed out the room and then out the school running towards the woods so angry I shifted half way through the field tearing my clothes apart and running the rest of the way into the woods taking all my anger out almost screaming with my feet with anger.

Around lunch time I started slowly walking towards the old mill still in the my white shining fur. I got there and smelled the air checking if anyone was there, when I smelled someone in there I shrunk to the floor slowly moving getting closer to see if I could recognise the sent. I smelt the sweet smell of strawberry's and flowers and pounded into the mill and jumped joyfully on the person licking them everywhere.

"Hope get of it's lunch time and we need to talk" I whimpered getting of and looking into Josie's chestnut eyes and sat whining. She sighed and gave me a stroke a few times then stopped making me nestle my head on her stomach wanting more.

HOSIE (Endlessly for you) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now