The entrance

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Josie's POV

Me, Hope and Lizzie where lying on the floor in front of Hope's TV with blankets and pillows all around us to make sure we were comfortable Hope was on the left of me and Lizzie was on the other side. So far we were on the 3rd movie of harry potter the prisoner of Azkaban.

I kept taking glances at Hope to see her porcelain skin and her deep ocean blue eyes lighting up with the TVs reflection, After a while of glances I realised Hope was being quiet the whole time ,not saying much (unlike me and lizzie) it didn't really seem like she was paying much attention to the movie or us me specifically (like who wouldn't want there crush paying attention to them at a sleepover ;) ) she was just in thought and her eyes didn't seem as bright or clear as they were when she was younger 'how had I only just realised that they hadn't been that way for a while "Hey do you think she's alright" Lizzie whispered to me making sure hope didn't hear it she must have realised Hope wasn't paying attention as well "Yeah I just think she's still upset because of what yesterday meant to her but her family are coming tomorrow so maybe that will make her cheer up" I replied back barely audible because I didn't want Hope knowing her wolf side increased her hearing so if I talked any louder she would be able to.

We got to the last movie by 3am all of us where still awake some how and me and Lizzie both thought Hope looked really restless and she wanted some time alone so we helped her tidy the room while starting a conversation "Hey Hope if you ever need to talk to anyone I'm hear even if you need to rant to someone about nothing" I said to Hope trying to get her to open up a little bit 'Maybe she is a bit more open with her family' I'll ask them tomorrow to make sure she's okay "O Josie don't worry about me its all good I'm fine" after she said that me and Lizzie looked at each other in knowing way both thinking she wasn't 'fine' "Okay me and Jo are going to go back to our room to get some sleep and you should go to bed as well it's really late kinda well early" Liz said trying to lighten the mood "Bye girls" "Bye hope" me and lizzie both called out as we walked out her door.

Hope POV

I said goodbye to the twins and finished clearing up my bedroom. By the time I finished it was 4 am I knew I couldn't go back to sleep so I just went to a canvas on the side of my room starting to paint whatever came to mind after I finished I looked at it not even sure at first what I had drawn I was shocked when I saw on my canvas a girl lying on the ground crying in darkness with a pool blood around her. I knew if anyone came in my room and saw the painting they would start questioning why I painted that so I hid it in a draw of all my painting that could be 'questioned' and put a strong boundary spell around it.

I decided I would get dressed and shower even though it was really early because if I didn't do them now I would lie in my bed all day without the energy to do so. I got in the shower and didn't care that the water was scorching; it didn't matter if it hurt I would heal anyway. After a while of letting the water poor of my pale skin I got out and rapped a towel around me and went to decide what I would wear.

I put on a pair of blue jeans a maroon vest top with my off the shoulder long sleeved blue top it was one of the only outfits that actually made me feel comfortable and no insecure. I went and sat on my bed going on my phone because who else would be awake so early and even if they were why would they ever want to hang out with me.

After a while I put my phone down and got trapped in my thoughts again wondering If my family even cared about me and why hadn't they come visit me in so long I never understood The always and forever pact with the Mikaelson's I never felt included they must see how broken I am. They think I don't deserve it they sent me back to school not even a week after my Farther and Uncle died they don't even want me there.

I started to write down all my feelings in my Journal I hadn't written in it for a while because it never helped but I really needed a release and I couldn't go on a run because the teachers do early morning walks.

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